Enjoying the Ride on the Way to the Destination The Successful Incorporation of SIFE into Clarenville’s Business Program First Year in Focus Maximizing Student Retention
The 1960’s Vision of NL Education… To drag Newfoundland “kicking and screaming into the 20th century” J.R. Smallwood NL’s first Premier
Our Vision Today… To help Newfoundland and Labrador students see that they can kick and scream their way into the 21th century (and beyond) as well as – or better than - anyone! The Ride begins…
Welcome! We Are… Deidra Strowbridge Business Instructor Clarenville Campus SIFE Clarenville Principal Advisor Paul Tilley Business Instructor Clarenville SIFE Clarenville Advisor
Our Story… This is a story about engagement, experience and empowerment using SIFE
Clarenville Campus You are Here Clarenville, NL -Population 5,400 -Service Centre -35,000 catchment Clarenville Campus -Population Programs -22 Instructors -2 year Business Program
We Live in a World of Opportunities How do we recognize and capture them?
The Clarenville Business Department In our region the Business Department at Clarenville campus has developed a reputation for offering a high quality program producing highly skilled graduates.
The Clarenville Business Department Our graduates can be found working in leadership roles from within the greater Clarenville region the across to country.
Our Program Goal The Goal of the Business Program is to give our students the fundamental skills to; – Be successful in their chosen careers – Become lifelong learners – Be valuable contributors to their communities
Our Program Strategy Our approach has been to “blur the lines” between the classroom and work. The vehicle that we have used to do this is our Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Chapter.
Our Business Program’s Strategy ….To create an experience that will make learning intrinsic, fun and “life-worthy” - resulting in a highly motivated individual who works to contribute to their community’s development.
About SIFE is an international non-profit organization that works with leaders in business and higher education. SIFE mobilizes post-secondary students to make a difference in their communities while developing key business skills.
About Student teams develop community outreach programs to educate others on the concepts of social, economic and environmental sustainability. There are over 50 SIFE chapters at schools across Canada. Our students have the opportunity to network with students in these other chapters, as well as SIFE’s corporate partners.
Our Team
Academics Assessment Academic Support Personal Support Personalized learning Interdisciplinary learning Project based learning Meaningful experience Citizenship Access to the Community Intergenerational Economic Development A “service” culture Community &World wise Engagement Confidence Building Volunteerism Mentoring Employability Impact Ground truthing Levelling Enjoying the Ride on the Way to the Destination In the Community In the Campus
In The Campus Academics Assessment Academic Support Personal Support Personalized learning Interdisciplinary learning Project based learning SIFE operates in many institutions but we have taken it a step further – we have built it into our curriculum!
In The Campus Academics Assessment Academic Support Personal Support Personalized learning Interdisciplinary learning Project based learning We’ve built SIFE activities into and around our Business Program. Students in first year incorporate SIFE based projects into both their Marketing and Computer Application course curriculum. As students move through their program progressively more soft “difficult to teach” skills are incorporated.
In The Campus Academics Assessment Academic Support Personal Support Personalized learning Interdisciplinary learning Project based learning SIFE students in the second year of their program will be working with first year students. This “mentoring” will serve two purposes: it will assist new students understand the expectations it will provide much needed personal support to new students – no one will be alone!
In The Campus Academics Assessment Academic Support Personal Support Personalized learning Interdisciplinary learning Project based learning Students choose their projects based on their interests. A single integrative project is given to the students so that they can see how different aspects of each course relate – teaching and learning is not done in a bubble.
In the Community Meaningful experience Citizenship Access to the community Intergenerational Economic development A “Service culture” Community & world wise SIFE operates in our greater community, partnering with organizations and “ground-truthing” the classroom theory
In the Community Meaningful experience Citizenship Access to the community Intergenerational Economic development A “Service culture” Community & world wise Our students worked on their chosen projects, each working with a variety of community partners
In the Community Meaningful experience Citizenship Access to the community Intergenerational Economic development A “Service culture” Community & world wise Student projects incorporated youth and seniors, flood victims, low income families, small businesses, bigger businesses, government and not-for-profit organizations.
In the Community Meaningful experience Citizenship Access to the community Intergenerational Economic development A “Service culture” Community & world wise Students gain an appreciation for how world events affect our community. Once out working with businesses, students get a better appreciation for the nuances of business operations.
The Status Quo has Gotta Go… “There are two types of education: One should teach us how to make a living and the other should teach us how to live.” John Adams
Conference Board of Canada Employability Skills are the employability skills, attitudes and behaviours that graduates need to participate and progress in today’s dynamic world of work.
Conference Board of Canada
Student Engagement and Retention Teams Projects Travel Accomplishment Rewards Employability Skills
Conclusion SIFE adds value to our program The SIFE experience adds to the educational experience SIFE is a confidence builder SIFE compliments the program SIFE highlights student’s strength SIFE helps us achieve our objectives
Engaging The Business Community
Engaging the Media.
ALL WHITE HERE – Media Skills
Working with Partners
Building Confidence