Good Morning Entry Task: Based on what you have read so far, compare and contrast Sadie and Bessie. Find evidence from the novel to support your view. Place your reading quotes on the corner of your desk to be checked.
Learning Targets Students will be able to... Analyze how culture affects identity and perceptions Practice effective speaking and listening skills that build capacity for collaboration/communication Analyze the concept of voice in reading and writing Examine and apply the elements of exposition Examine and apply the elements of argumentation
Presentations Important Figures and Important Events in the novel Having Our Say You will take notes on your entry task paper while you are listening to the presentations.
Having Our Say journal The Delanys recall, for example, that some family friends who were black had built a successful undertaking business which at first served whites as well as blacks. That business nearly collapsed, however, when a law was passed in North Carolina that made it illegal for black undertakers to serve the white community (Delany 32). Regardless of achievement or economic status, no black person could hope to escape the stigma of color (Delany 33).
Having Our Say journal (lead in) Bessie and Sadie reflect on the impact black businesses had on the community, (Quote) “some family friends who were black had built a successful undertaking business which at first served whites as well as blacks. That business nearly collapsed, however, when a law was passed in North Carolina that made it illegal for black undertakers to serve the white community” (Delany 32). (Commentary) Even successful business owners could not overcome society’s discrimination when laws were passed that restricted who they could serve. Even with the change in the laws that prohibit black ownership and serving the white community it did not have a negative affect on the cultural perspective of these black business owners. The business owners continued to serve the community. (lead in) Historical record supports the statement by the Delanys (Quote) ”Regardless of achievement or economic status, no black person could hope to escape the stigma of color” (Delany 33). (Commentary) Discrimination due to the color of skin was felt by all persons of color. Society treated them with disrespect even with all that the Delanys had achieved and did not impact their family and cultural values. The Delany family continued to work to erase the stigma attached to being black in post antebellum south
Cultural Identity Last class we began reading “What is Cultural Identity”. We also discussed “voice” in writing. “What is Cultural Identity” page 8. While we are reading the article for the second time start thinking about “cultural Identity” of people and your personal cultural identity Respond to the questions “Ethnic Hash” page 11. In a small group respond to the questions
Exit Task Reflect on the learning targets for today. Do you feel you met the targets? 1. Analyze how culture affects identity and perceptions 2. Practice effective speaking and listening skills that build capacity for collaboration/communication 3. Analyze the concept of voice in reading and writing 4. Examine and apply the elements of exposition 1. What is one thing that you completed or learned today that you found interesting? 2. What is one thing that you feel you can improve in future classes?