The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Designed in Belgorod State University
Flag and Anthem of the UK The distinctive “Union Jack” of Great Britain was adopted in 1801, when the red Cross of Saint Patrick, representing Ireland, was added to the Cross of Saint George,representing England (1536), and the Cross of Saint Andrew,representin g Scotland (1603). Anthem “God Save the Queen”
Tower of London, England The Tower of London, located on the northern bank of the Thames River, was built about It was used alternately as a fortress, royal residence, and state prison in its early years. Today, it is maintained as an arsenal with a garrison, and is open to the public. The well- preserved Norman and medieval structures cover nearly 7.2 hectares (18 acres).
Coal Miners in Great Britain Great Britain relies on commercial and manufacturing enterprises to sustain its economy. Many of the country’s population centers have developed around the rich mineral and energy reserves that fuel these industries. Here, coal miners go to work in Wales.
Land's End, Cornwall Shown here is the cape of Land’s End in Cornwall, Great Britain. The cape marks the westernmost part of the English mainland. Tourists are attracted to Cornwall because of its favorable climate and natural beauty.
Princess Anne Seaspeed Hovercraft The Princess Anne Seaspeed Hovercraft is an air-cushion vehicle used as transportation in Great Britain. Hovercraft such as this one are used to carry passengers across the English Channel. The trip, between Dover and Calais,takes approximately 30 minutes.
Victoria Station, London Victoria Station connects Belgravia and Victoria with Westminster and is London’s second busiest rail terminal.
Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace in Westminster is the official London residence of the British sovereign. Its interior, open to the public during August and September while the queen is on vacation, contains many elegantly furnished apartments and noted collections of paintings. Funds raised from the summer visits go toward repairing Windsor Castle, a royal residence located just outside of London that was damaged by fire in The famous changing of the guard takes place outside Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace Guards These Buckingham Palace guards undergo inspection while on duty outside the Queen of England’s residence. Buckingham Palace is in London, the capital of Great Britain, and has been the official town residence of the British monarch since Tourists visiting the palace witness the ceremonial “changing of the guard” in which a sentry is relieved of his duty with traditional military precision.
Houses of Parliament, London The city of London, capital of Great Britain, is the seat of government. Parliament, seen here, consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Built between 1840 and 1850, the neo- Gothic complex of buildings is still officially called the New Palace of Westminster.
Stonehenge Stonehenge, the circular arrangement of large stones near Salisbury, England, was probably built in three stages between about 3000 and 1000 BC. The function of the monument remains unknown: once believed to be a temple for Druids or Romans, Stonehenge is now often thought to have been either a temple for sun worshippers or a type of astronomical clock or calendar. As the only natural building stones within 21 km (13 mi), Stonehenge has been decimated through the centuries by builders and by normal climatic forces.
Margaret Hilda Thatcher In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became the first woman to serve as prime minister of Great Britain, a post she held until Thatcher rose to office with promises to restore Britain’s economic prosperity, and she worked toward this goal by selling and privatizing many government-owned industries. Thatcher’s tenure as prime minister included leading Britain to victory over Argentina in the brief military dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands in 1982.
John Bull is The symbol of a typical Englishmen The symbol of a typical Englishmen is John Bull. It’s a man with a large stomach and a round face. Usually he wears high boots, an open Jacket, and a Union Jack waistcoat.