TEXT: Genesis 12:1-3 In the call of God to Abraham we learn of the events of the Dispensation of Promise and the provisions of the Abrahamic Covenant
I. The Test A. To leave country B. To leave his relatives C. To leave the protection and wealth of his father’s household D. To go to “a land which I will show you.” E. Reiterated to Isaac (Gen 26:1-5) and to Jacob (Gen 28:13-16)
II. God’s Promise…the Abrahamic Covenant A. A Land --This land was “the land which I will show you” (Gen 12:1; see also Ex 23:28) – 1. It is delineated in Genesis 15:18-21 – 2From Turkey (the Hittites) to Egypt (Goshen was on northeast side of the Nile, west of Sinai Peninsula) and from the Euphrates to the Meditteranean – 3.It is far greater than any area Israel has ever taken possession of to this date – 4. This covenant will be fulfilled under the Messiah (Jeremiah 23:5-8)
B. A Nation 1. Through one descendant, Isaac (Gen 21:12) 2. Through an “everlasting covenant (Gen 17:6-8)
C. A Blessing 1. God promised to bless Abraham personally (Gen 12:2; see 13:2) 2. God promised to bless Abraham corporately…”you shall be a blessing…” (Gen 12:3) 3. God promised to bring international blessing through Abraham (Gen 12:3b; Gen 15:5 cf Gal 3:16)
II. The Result A. Abram – 1. Does not leave his relatives (Gen 12:4) – 2. Does not leave his father’s household (cf. Gen 11:31) – 3. Under adversity he goes to Egypt (Gen 12:10) B. Jacob to Egypt (Gen 46:1-4 C. Israel grumbles against God’s deliverance (Ex 15:24; 16:3; 17:2)
III. God’s Provision A. Abram delivered from Egypt (Gen 12:20) B. Jacob preserved by God through Joseph (Gen 46:2-3) Note that deliverance occurs first, then God grants permission C. For Israel, God destroys the grumblers (Num 14:28-29) and preserves the faithful (Num 14:30-31)
D. For Abraham and his descendants, God makes the provisions of the covenant unconditional even after Abram’s failure (Gen 15:7ff) and confirms the promise of a Redeemer in the stars (Gen 15:5).