Tears of a Tiger Set Two
assume He assumed the homework assignment was due on Friday when it was really due on Tuesday. Since you did not ask any questions, I am going to assume that you understand how to solve the algebra equations.
assume Definition: suppose to be the case, without proof POS: verb Synonym: think, believe
affirmative action Greensboro College practices affirmative action and equal opportunity employment. A group of women filed a lawsuit against the company for not following the policy of affirmative action.
affirmative action Definition: the encouragement of increased representation of women and minority-group members, especially in employment. POS: noun Synonyms: equal rights, fair hiring, fair treatment
Initial In my initial interview with your parents, they shared with me what they thought was important in your life. My initial impression of him was not good, but after I got to know him I thought he was really funny.
initial Definition: coming first, or present at the beginning of an event or process POS: adjective Synonyms: beginning, start, first
rebellious The rebellious young boy is constantly arguing with his teacher and breaking all the school rules. His rebellious attitude and constant bickering got him fired from his job.
rebellious Definition: showing desire to resist authority, control, or moral codes POS: Adjective Synonyms: disobedient, unruly, unmanageable
capable I am quite capable of taking care of myself, and I do not need your help. Thank you very much!!! The plane is capable of flying from Chicago to London without stopping.
capable Definition: having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing POS: Adjective Synonyms: talented, skilled, able
convert Why should she change her beliefs: why try to convert her? The old three story mansion was converted into pricey upscale apartments.
convert Definition: to change the nature or form of something POS: verb Synonyms: transform, turn, reshape
dispense Psychiatrists can dispense medication, but psychologists cannot. The vending machines dispense a wide range of drinks and snacks.
Dispense Definition: to distribute or give out POS: verb Synonyms: supply, hand out, deliver
cotillions Julie wore a beautiful satin red gown to the cotillion on Saturday night. Young men were hoping to meet the women of their dreams at the cotillion.
cotillion Definition: a formal ball in which girls are presented to society; a lively dance POS: noun Synonym: ball (dance), celebration, prom