Zelenograd’s District of Moscow Good transport connections Historical focus on High - Tech Good Environment
Transport Infrastructure New Highway Moscow – St.Petersburg Sheremetievo Airport Railway Zelenograd Highway Е-95 Fast Railway: 15 min travel time Piatnitskoe Highway
Human Resources with High Education Europe average: 23% Paris: 30% London: 35% Moscow average: 41% Zelenograd: 44%
Universities & Colleges Universities: Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (MIET) in Zelenograd Moscow Institute of Business Administration (MGADA) in Zelenograd Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) in 25 km from Zelenograd Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (FizTech) in 25 km from Zelenograd Colleges: College for Electronics and Informatics in Zelenograd Technological Collage № 49 in Zelenograd Polytechnic College №50 in Zelenograd
Federal Agency for Management of Special Economic Zones Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are one of the key tools for the Russian economy diversification and innovation. SEZ is a part of Russian Federation with the special conditions for business activity. Federal Law of Russian Federation N 116-FZ dated July 22, 2005 «Special Economic Zones in Russian Federation» - 2 industrial-production SEZ’s: Lipetsk region and Tatarstan; - 4 technology-innovative SEZ’s: Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tomsk; tourist-&-recreational SEZ’s: Krasnodar, Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Altay (2), Irkutsk, Buriatia. - Port-&-Logistic SEZ’s : project in the stage of realization
To create the attractive business conditions for high technology industry - - Availability of the appropriate infrastructure - - Cluster approach - - Skills availability and training system SEZ in Moscow: Goal
SEZ in Moscow: Focus Areas Information Technologies Navigation Systems Laser and Plasma Technologies Bio Technologies Life Protection Technologies Nano Technologies Energy Technologies
Investment Plan The total budget to develop the appropriate infrastructure: 11,2 Billion Rubles from Federal Budget 11,2 Billion Rubles from Moscow Budget (App. 1 Billion USD in total) Invested in : 324,4 million USD
Free Custom Zone No Custom Duties on all goods, services, supplies or machinery shipped to the Special Economy Zone (SEZ) Full VAT refund on all Russian goods, supplies or machinery shipped to the SEZ Customs Duties and VAT applicable when goods and services produced inside SEZ are delivered outside the SEZ inside Russia More details available in Federal Law of Russian Federation N 116-FZ dated July 22, 2005
Modern infrastructure Administrative regulations Tax and customs treatment ADVANTAGES Tax treatment Custom treatment Creation of engineering, transport, innovative and social infrastructure at the budget expense Creation of administration friendly environment SEZ SEZ SEZ competitive advantages
Registered Residents – 28 from Zelenograd – 15 From Russia (outside Zelenograd) – 9 Companies with foreign founders – 4 Authorization in process – 5 Residents in SEZ Moscow
Residents Laser and plasma technologies ESTO Microelectronics ZITC Design Center «Soyuz» Designing of information systems
Residents Ksenon Electronics Privodnaya Technica Alphachip Component
Residents IMT ZLATA Biotechnologies Telecommunications NT-MDT Nanotechnology
Sub Zone 1: MIET ( sq. m.)
Complex of buildings Center of the specialized retraining of shots sq.m. Innovative center, including a custom office sq.m. Center of transfer-technologies sq.m.
Administration & Business Complex ( sq.m.) including: Administration & Business Center ( sq.m.) - Exhibition area - Administration - Hotel - Recreation area - Helicopter parking Innovative Business Center ( sq.m.) Education Center ( sq.m.) Centre of collective using ( sq.m.) Sub Zone 2: Alabushevo ( sq.m.) Municipal services Administration & Business Complex sq. m. Custom Zone Resident Area app sq. m.
Innovative Business Center (18000 sq.m.) Type of the areas Necessary areas, sq.m. Objects assumed to placingObject area, sq.m. Offices,laboratories, (optimum adapted for incubation the newly established companies) Not less than 70 newly established companies. On the average 100 sq.m. per company, separate working spaces on the area from 50 to 500 sq.m. General purpose650 Food points (cafe, a dining room) Administration Clothes Protection premise, engineering and social objects Central control office; Lobby Auxiliary, providing functioning of the companies 700 Service-centre Training-centre Conference hall for 200 places Negotiations rooms Room of psychological rest Expected effect: supplying of growth of the newly established hi-tech companies by their placing in single compact territory; creation of synergistic effect of interaction of the high technology companies, providing accelerated growth of new perspective high technologies and developments; supplying of the companies with a necessary infrastructure (offices, laboratories, scientific and producing areas) Innovative Business Center
Buildings of residents General area apartments of residents from sq.m. to sq.m.
ARCHITECTURE Sub Zone 2: Alabushevo ARCHITECTURE Sub Zone 2: Alabushevo Version 1, Town Version 1, Town Total area of buildings is orientation equal sq.m., parking place 2682
ARCHITECTURE Sub Zone 2: Alabushevo ARCHITECTURE Sub Zone 2: Alabushevo Version 2, Parк Version 2, Parк Total area of buildings is orientation equal sq.m., parking place 1748
ResidentsCisco Project: «Development and integration of system solutions for organisation and operation of data-centre and call-centre» Quantity of workplaces280 Volume of investments 174 million USD Building Area sq.m.
MIET Alabushevo Head of SEZ in Moscow: Anatoly Kovalev