The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness
Prophecies about John the BaptistProphecies about John the Baptist Life and Work of John the BaptistLife and Work of John the Baptist Lessons to Learn from John the Baptist.Lessons to Learn from John the Baptist.
Examining the Prophecies After destroying the nations of Judah and Israel, God comforted His people by telling them of a day in which He would send a Messiah.After destroying the nations of Judah and Israel, God comforted His people by telling them of a day in which He would send a Messiah. Isaiah 40:1-5 tell us that someone was to come before the Messiah.Isaiah 40:1-5 tell us that someone was to come before the Messiah. In fact, the Old Testament concludes with a prophecy about this man. (Malachi 3-4)In fact, the Old Testament concludes with a prophecy about this man. (Malachi 3-4) So the Jews should not have been looking for the Messiah, but for the Messenger, a man like unto Elijah.So the Jews should not have been looking for the Messiah, but for the Messenger, a man like unto Elijah.
John’s Life and Work.
The birth of John the Baptist.The birth of John the Baptist. –Gabriel reveals to Zacharias what his son was going to do in his life. –His purpose would be to turn Israel’s hearts back to God and to prepare them for Christ.
John’s Life and Work. The birth of John the Baptist.The birth of John the Baptist. Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist.Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist. –Matthew 11:7-15. –Matthew 17:10-13.
John’s Life and Work. The birth of John the Baptist.The birth of John the Baptist. Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist.Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist. The message of John the Baptist.The message of John the Baptist. –He preached that the “kingdom of heaven is at hand.” –He preached about true repentance. –He preached about kindness and benevolence. –He preached a message of “baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.” –He preached about a judgment.
John’s Life and Work. The birth of John the Baptist.The birth of John the Baptist. Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist.Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist. The message of John the Baptist.The message of John the Baptist. –He preached of the One who would come after him. –He baptized Jesus to “fulfill all righteousness.” –He testified about who Jesus was. –He was very successful in his preaching.
John’s Life and Work. The birth of John the Baptist.The birth of John the Baptist. Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist.Jesus’ thoughts of John the Baptist. The message of John the Baptist.The message of John the Baptist. The death of John the Baptist.The death of John the Baptist. –It all started when John told Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” –Herod had him imprisoned because Herodias was offended. –Herod made a rash promise to Herodias’ daughter, and she asked for John’s head on a platter.
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. –John’s mission: Go into the wilderness, wear camel’s hair and a leather belt, eat locusts and wild honey, and preach. –How many of us would like to take up that offer?
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. Boldness in his preaching.Boldness in his preaching. –His message to the Pharisees and Sadducees: “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.” Mt. 3:7-8 –His message to King Herod: “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” Mk. 6:18
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. Boldness in his preaching.Boldness in his preaching. Example and Influence.Example and Influence. –Multitudes flocked to hear John the Baptist. Why? Curiosity?Curiosity? Message?Message? Character?Character?
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. Boldness in his preaching.Boldness in his preaching. Example and Influence.Example and Influence. –Multitudes flocked to hear John the Baptist. Why? –Consider his impact on King Herod. “Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man.” Mk. 6:20“Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just and holy man.” Mk. 6:20 After having to sentence him to death, “the king was exceedingly sorry.” Mk. 6:26After having to sentence him to death, “the king was exceedingly sorry.” Mk. 6:26
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. Boldness in his preaching.Boldness in his preaching. Example and Influence.Example and Influence. Humility.Humility. –John the Baptist was a great man and given a great responsibility, yet he always kept things in perspective. –Mark 1:7, “There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap, I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.” –Mt. 3:14, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?” –Turn and look at John 3.
Lessons to Learn from John Devotion to his work.Devotion to his work. Boldness in his preaching.Boldness in his preaching. Example and Influence.Example and Influence. Humility.Humility.