A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle Part 2 John 12:34-40 The Question The Promise The Miracle
What Jesus taught in calling Himself “Son of Man” 1. He was pre-existent – John 3:13; 6:62 2. He was to suffer humiliation and death – John 3:14-15; 8:28 3. He was to become a vital (personal) part of all who should believe on Him – John 6:27, Connected to the final judgment – John 5: Jesus’ current rule over the church – Rev. 1:12-14 A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
The Summary of Jesus calling Himself “Son of Man” In Jesus becoming like us and dying for us, we could now become like Him! A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
The Promise Jesus reminds us – He is the light of the world This identifies Jesus with the Father – eternal Jesus makes God known Jesus is opposed to the darkness Jesus is the only true light Jesus also gives us a challenge Believe in the light Walk in the light A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
The Promise Jesus warns of the encroaching darkness The darkness will overtake us if …. We do not walk in the light while it is here If we believe in the light, we will become “sons of the light” A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
The Miracle Israel’s unbelief was unbelievable John spends much time on this and concludes the recount of Jesus’ public ministry with the subject Early preachers of the Gospel were enamored with the topic, and they were Jews who believed Jesus to be the Messiah – Romans 9-11 John asks why the nation of Israel, as a whole, did not believe Jesus to be the Messiah A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
The Miracle John answers this question using Isaiah 53 & 6 We would not have had a crucified Savior unless Israel, as a whole, had rejected Him When does God harden hearts? Are men able to choose God? John does not begin with Isaiah 6:9-10 If men are unable to choose God, then grace becomes a merciful and loving gift This scenario makes man utterly responsible A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40
Application Have you responded to the drawing and calling of the Savior? If so, have you made Him Lord of your life? Are you walking in the light, as He is in the light, being sons and daughters of light? A Question, a Promise, and a Miracle John 12:34-40