“You ask, What is our policy? I will say; It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory—victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.” Winston Churchill
The Book of Revelation
Background of the Book of Revelation Who wrote the book? –John, the Apostle –Exiled to Island of Patmos –Revelation 1:4,9 To Whom Written? –Seven churches of Asia Minor –Revelation 1:4,11
Background of the Book of Revelation Circumstances of writing? –Church under extreme persecution from Roman Government –Revelation 2:12,13 –Internal forces threatening Revelation 2:14,15
What is the Proper Interpretation of Revelation? Four Different Ways: –Preterist – Most/all fulfilled in past –Futurist – be fulfilled in our future –Historical – fulfilled in history of the church –Spiritual – not literal but symbolize struggle between forces of Good and Evil throughout the centuries.
What is the Proper Interpretation of Revelation? “Key” in first few verses –Revelation 1:3 “the time is near” “Futurist” is built on false premise that things were to be fulfilled in far distant future. How could something to be fulfilled two millennia later comfort the seven churches?
What is the Proper Interpretation of Revelation? “Historical” – affords little comfort or relevance for the ones to whom it was written. “Spiritual” – finds great eternal lessons & does not engage in wild speculations. Does not consider literal message of comfort for those addressed by John.
What is the Proper Interpretation of Revelation? “Preterist” most consistent method of interpretation. Gives comfort & encouragement to Christians of 1 st century Avoids wild speculation of Futurist view. Most who hold this position convinced events leading up to Chapter 21 began to be fulfilled in John’s lifetime.
Two Great Aids in Understanding Revelation: Understanding of Old Testament Figures & Prophecy Understanding of Culture of the 1 st Century & Nature of Apocalyptic Literature, prevalent in John’s day
Great Themes in Revelation Christ is Vitally concerned about congregations of His brethren –Revelation 1:1-13 –Revelation 2:29 –Revelation 3:8 –Matthew 28:20
Great Themes in Revelation Must be willing to suffer/die for faith in Jesus Christ –Revelation 12:17 –Revelation 2:10 –Revelation 2:13 –Matthew 6:9
Great Themes in Revelation Not all Enemies of God’s people are outside – some within the walls –False doctrine, immorality among brethren, & lukewarmness –Revelation 2:5,16,21,22; 3:3,19
God’s People are Going to WIN! Revelation 17:14 “the Lamb will overcome” Revelation 20:11,12 “from whose face the earth & heaven fled away” Revelation 15:2-4 “all nations shall come & worship before You”