“It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ” —The Desire of Ages, p. 83 Books available at www.AdventistBookCenter.comwww.AdventistBookCenter.com.


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Presentation transcript:

“It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ” —The Desire of Ages, p. 83 Books available at

Chapter 11 Resurrection Morning This study is based on Matthew 28:1-8; 11-15; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18 The Desire of Ages, chapters 81, 82 —See also Messiah chapters 81, 82

If you had seen the angel army gather, would you have suspected that they were there to welcome Jesus with singing? Imagine hearing that song! The Desire of Ages and Messiah 416-7

How had the priests outsmarted themselves? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 416-7

Why would the soldiers hesitate to lie and say they had fallen asleep? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 416-7

Why was it important that Jesus raised himself from the dead? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 418-9

How did Jesus’ resurrection have the same meaning as the “wave sheaf”? What was the “wave sheaf”? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 418-9

What does the promise of the resurrection mean to you? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 418-9

Whom do you long to see on resurrection day? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 418-9

How were Jesus’ folded grave clothes evidence that He was alive? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 420-2

Mary recognized that it was Jesus by His voice. Is it possible for us to recognize the voice of Jesus? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 420-2

How can we learn to recognize Jesus’ voice? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 420-2

Why would the disciples not believe the reports of Mary and the other women? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 420-2

What was Jesus’ first work after the resurrection? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 420-2

Is it significant that Jesus appeared first to women and gave them a message to the disciples? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 422-3

Why would the disciples no believe the reports of Mary and the other women? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 422-3

Do we ever make the same mistake the disciples made— remaining lonely and depressed when Jesus is right beside us? The Desire of Ages and Messiah 422-3