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Presentation transcript:

IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3) 6. The Way to the Father (14:4-6) 7. The Oneness with the Father (14:7-11) 8. The Performance of Greater Works (14:12-15) 9. The Sending of the Holy Spirit (14:16-17)

10. The Pledge of Love (14:18-26) 11. The Bestowment of Peace (14:27-31) AN INTRODUCTION TO CH. 14  Chapter 13 contains a narrative and a dialogue; chapters contain discourses.  After predicting Peter’s denial (13:38), Jesus spoke to the deep concerns of the disciples.

 The disciples could not comprehend Jesus’ comments about leaving.  After this intimate opening dialogue, the Last Supper discourse began. ~ By recording this private discussion between Jesus and His disciples, John hoped to attract all people to Jesus.

5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3)  Read Jn 14:1-3.  Jn 14:1a. ~ Christ speaks once more addresses His disciples to strengthen them, and for good reason, for a difficult and tiring and terrible struggle lay ahead of them. ~ He does not simply encourage and exhort them to be steadfast, but teaches them where they must look for courage – faith in Him.

 The thought is not, “Do not begin to be troubled,” but “Stop being troubled,” or “Do not be troubled any longer.”  The heart is here the center of feeling and faith as well as the mainspring of words and actions. ~ The hearts of the disciples were filled with a medley of emotions.

 The exhortation is based on love of the most tender and self-forgetful character, for when Jesus uttered it, it was He Himself who was heading for the agony of the cross (cf. Jn 12:27; 13:21; Matt 26:28: Lk 22:24) ~ The agonizing Shepherd, facing the cross, comforts others.  Christ wanted His disciples to stay brave and courageous when everything seemed in utter confusion.

~ Thus it is said that believers are not “troubled”; although they are weighed down with very great difficulties, yet, relying on God’s Word, they hold their ground, upright and steady. ~ Recall Paul in 2Cor 4:8-10.  Read Jn 14:1b.  The way the disciples are to calm their hearts is spelled out in this second part of the verse.

~ This part of the verse can, therefore, be translated, “Continue to trust in God, also in me continue to trust.” ~ If Jesus invariably speaks the words of God and performs the acts of God (Jn 5:19ff.), should He not be trusted like God? ~ The clear implication is that Jesus is Himself God.

 Though the disciples still loved their Master, their faith in Him as Messiah- Savior was beginning to waver. ~ He knows also that the only remedy for the troubled heart is the assurance that Jesus is and remains the Savior.  Jesus does not, in this connection, fully explain why He must die on the cross. ~ He demands abiding trust or faith in God and in Himself even then when mysteries multiply.

~ William Hendriksen: “Jesus asks that the disciples shall continue to rest in God and in Himself with their entire being, so that their heart, soul, mind, and strength will continually go out to the source of their salvation, the goal of their existence.”  Jesus did not want His followers to imitate Peter’s impulsive self- confidence. ~ Jesus’ solution for troubled hearts requires us to trust in Him.

~ Trust does not mean pretending we are strong; it means recognizing our weakness and need for God’s help.  Jesus later told the disciples why He gave them glimpses of the future that would soon follow (Jn 14:29). ~ They would not need to be afraid because all that He promised would come true.