June 2009 Chapter Telecon Mary Beth Lech, CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager 1.800.344.8096 x419


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June 2009 Chapter Telecon Mary Beth Lech, CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager x419

1 WebEx You called in today on our WebEx telecon number We will be expanding our WebEx capabilities for WebEx conferences on-line

2 July 9 – 10, 2009 Westin Tabor Center

3 NCMA General Membership Meeting All members are invited to attend the NCMA General Membership Meeting on Thursday, July 9, 2009 at 4:15pm MOUNTAIN TIME at the Westin Tabor Center, Denver, Colorado. The meeting is open to all NCMA members, onsite and remote. To join the online meeting: Go to =ae0adb7d56313d2e =ae0adb7d56313d2e Enter your name and address Enter the meeting password: ncma Click “Join Now” To join the teleconference only: Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): Call-in toll number (US/Canada): Meeting Number:

4 NCMA Certification Exams and Fast Track Sessions at the Aerospace and Defense Conference NCMA will be offering certification exams at no cost on Friday, July 10th, to attendees of the Aerospace and Defense Contract Management Conference. –The $95 exam fee will be waived, but the relevant application fees will not be waived. – Please note that your application must be approved before you can take any certification exam. –You may test for more than one certification, but an approved application for each certification must be on file. If you plan to apply on-site, you must have documentation of your education and training. To ensure your application is processed on time, please annotate “ADC09” at the top of the application when you submit it to the certification administrator. For more information on NCMA certification, the updated requirements, applications, and study materials, please click here.click here. CPCM Fast Track education session will be held on Wednesday, July 8. Pre-conference seminar registration fees are as follows: Conference AttendeeSeminar Only NCMA Member$245$295 Nonmembers$295$345


6 Leadership Summit 2009 Denver Colorado View agenda here Registration table opens Friday Jul 10 th at 3 PM Keynote speaker is Darryl Scott at 4 PM Senior Level Panel at 5 PM Reception at 6 PM—Dinner on your Own Sessions all day Saturday Jul 11th

7 We’re going GREEN at Leadership Summit NO notebooks and binders from NCMA If you want hard copies of the Power Point presentation, you can print them Those registered will receive the link to presentations on July 2 nd Bring your laptop Charging stations available



10 Walter R Graalman Award Revised criteria posted on Intranetbeing edited –MINOR changes –Three sections –You still need to describe what you are doing to support NCMA objectives The changes are in the scoring –NO more numerical scoring –Color assigned to the objective—green, amber, red Graalman guide and score sheet were e mailed on June 12 to current chapter leaders

11 NO SEPARATE SUBMISSIONS for Graalman Consideration It’s all included in your Chapter Annual Report

12 Five Requirements for Chapters to Submit Chapter Annual Report Chapter Officer / volunteer list Chapter Financial Report Chapter Audit Report Chapter Bylaws All FIVE items must be received by NCMA by Aug 31 st for your chapter to be considered for a Graalman Award

13 Why do you need to submit your chapter financial and audit reports to NCMA? Chapters can then be included in the NCMA Group for filing taxes with the IRS If we don’t receive your reports by 31 Aug, then you are not included and you are ON YOUR OWN to file with the IRS

14 Send in Your Chapter Election Results! Nineteen chapters have already sent in their rosters and have certificates on the way Roster form is available on the NCMA Intranet in Chapter Management Links and then in FormsForms –Submit your roster to

15 A reminder to Chapter Leaders Use of NCMA in Your s NCMA members, and particularly chapter officers and volunteers, are reminded that you are not permitted to use NCMA or your NCMA position to solicit NCMA members for any reason such as solicitation for jobs. –Such use implies NCMA endorsement, which is not the case. Chapters may post job announcements within chapter newsletters or hand out flyers at meetings. –In no case may you send out s to NCMA members for non- NCMA business.

16 Annual Performance Evaluation Chapter Leaders should look for the e mail link in mid July This is YOUR feedback to NCMA –How did NCMA do? –Did we meet or exceed your expectations?

17 Celebrate 50 years of NCMA You can buy the special NCMA Chronicle commemorating NCMA’s 50 years The NCMA Chronicle features more than 200 pages taken from the history and traditions of the association. Lavishly illustrated with photographs from the entire organizational timeline and handsomely bound into a coffee table-quality volume, the Chronicle is a unique and fitting testament to the struggles and triumphs of the first generations of NCMA members. Order your copy today!

18 Upcoming Events Save These Dates! Academic Conference 2009: August 5-6, 2009; GWU Campus, Washington DC Government Contract Management Conference 2009: November 4-6, 2009; North Bethesda Marriott, Bethesda, Maryland Mid Year Leadership 2010: January, 2010, Las Vegas NV Aerospace and Defense Contract Management Conference 2010: March 25– ; Westin San Diego, California ; World Congress 2010: July 18-21, 2010; Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

19 Right now on CMJobs, there are: 196 Searchable Jobs 3,366 Searchable Résumés 5,736 Registered Employers Need to hire a contract manager? Are you looking for a new job?



22 State Business Filings for Chapters NCMA Counsel has advised that chapters must be in compliance with state business registration requirements –Specific for each state in order to do business in that state –A part of NCMA National Bylaws NCMA has not in our long history monitored chapters’ filings, or enforced this bylaw provision. –NCMA BoD believes that failing to comply with state requirements constitutes an unacceptable legal risk that must be remedied promptly. NCMA’s national office will manage the process of registering in each state where we have business. –Will need information from chapters, such as an in-state point of contact, to be included in the state filings. –The costs associated with the initial filings will be paid by NCMA; renewal procedures and fees in future years, if any, will be addressed in a revision to NCMA’s policy 5-7 to be released this summer. Letter from Executive Director asking for a volunteer in each state to be focal point –Training will be held

23 Congratulations to our Award Winners! The Albert Berger Chapter Leadership Award will be presented to: – Denise Blue of the Puget Sound Chapter, – Stacey Gustus of the Denver Chapter, and – Tammy Ollila of the Northern West Virginia Chapter NCMA ICAF Award for Excellence in Research and Writing was presented to – Colonel David E. Anderson, U.S. Army

24 Upcoming Awards James E Cravens Membership Award James E. Cravens Membership Award Nominations Due August 15James E. Cravens Membership Award Nominations Due August 15 This award is designed to recognize NCMA chapters and individual members for outstanding membership accomplishments during the past NCMA program year. It is intended to highlight achievements in membership recruitment and retention. Submit to Last year’s winner: Jacksonville Chapter!

25 Don’t forget the students! They are the future of NCMA They are the future of OUR profession What are you doing with your local students? –Invite them to your meetings –Invite them to network –Sponsor them with a student chapter

26 NCMA Social Networking Find us, follow us, and connect with each other on:

27 What’s On Your Mind ?

Thank you for calling in today! See YOU in Denver