easter By Annabelle Geany
Easter Celebrations The Catholic Church celebrate Easter on one day of the calendar, preparations for Easter take place throughout the 40 days of Lent.
Easter Celebrations Although Easter is probably the oldest Christian celebration, it wasn't always the same as what people currently think of when they look at Easter services. These celebrations commemorate both Jesus' death and his resurrection at once, whereas these two events have been split up between Good Friday and Easter Sunday today.
Easter Celebrations Early Christian church services included a vigil service before the Eucharist. The vigil service includes a series of readings and Roman Catholics observe it only one day of the year, on Easter. Aside from the psalms and readings, the service also includes the lighting of a paschal candle and the blessing of the baptismal font in the church.
Easter Celebrations Easter is regarded as a living symbol of Christianity. During Easter, Christians believe that they pass through death and into a new life (spiritually) in Jesus, just as Jesus passed through death, and after three days rose from the dead.
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