1 Creation 2 Creation and Mandate for Man 3 Fall of Mankind: Blessing Lost, Seed Cursed, Land Cursed Murder, Sin and Death (“and he died, and he died,.... “) 6-8 Judgment-Salvation (Flood) 9 New World Contract / Civil Authority (Government) 10 Depravity Endures after the Flood 11 Tower of Babel Fracturing of Mankind into “the Nations” Setting up for Abraham: Genesis 1-11
Abraham: Abrahamic Covenant: Land, Seed, Blessing (Gen. 12) Captivity in Egypt & Exodus (Deliverance) (Gen. 37 – Exodus 14) Sinai – The Law / Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19-20) Palestinian Covenant (Deuteronomy 30) Conquest & Settlement (Joshua) Judges (Judges 1-2) Priesthood (1 Samuel 2) Monarchy (1 Samuel 8) Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7-8) New Covenant (Jeremiah 31) Abraham – Jeremiah: Genesis 12 - Jeremiah 31
CREATION: Sovereign Creator had a plan that He will Accomplish WONT FAIL CREATION of MAN: Innocence, Conscience & Self Control (even in Paradise) WONT FAIL FALL of MAN: Led into Rebellion by the enemy of GodNO FLOOD: The destruction of Sinful man results in Death unless God Saves Some.NO CIVIL AUTHORITY (GOVERNMENT): Restrains and Punishes evil in societyNO BABEL NATIONALISM: Dividing the culture to complicate complicity in sin.NO ABRAHAM EXODUS: God’s chosen Nation, Delivered & Instructed & ProtectedNO EXODUS Deliverance from Bondage and Slavery in the Kingdom of ManNO SINAI God’s revelation of Divine Society and Ideal GovernmentNO CONQUEST OF THE LAND Israel led by Joshua into the Promised LandNO JUDGES God’s provision through the JudgesNO PRIESTHOOD Mediators between God & ManNO KINGDOM God’ Provision of a King after His Own HeartNO NEW HEART A new creation by God in the Soul of Man is the only Solution WONT FAIL Leads to the Church of the Living God WONT FAIL What will Save Man?