Genesis Week 5 – Abraham… and the Nations “Now the Lord said…go to the land I will show you, and I will make of you a great nation…and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Gen 12:1-3 Text: Gen 11:27-16:16
Shem (Son of Noah) 10 Generations from Noah to Abraham
Terah’s Descendants TerahTerahAbram Married to Sarai his half-sister Abram Sarai Daughter of Terah (Genesis 20:12} Sarai Daughter of Terah (Genesis 20:12} Nahor Married to Milcah his niece Nahor HaranHaranIsaac Married to Rebekah Isaac Esau Jacob Married to Leah & Rachel Jacob LeahLeah Rachel RebekahRebekahLabanLabanBethuelBethuelMilcah Married to Nahor her uncle Milcah Lot Iscah Ancestor of Jesus Descendent of Married to Descendent of Married to
Aleppo Haran Mari Babylon Ur Zoan Shechem Bethel Beersheba Terah takes Abram, Sarai, and Lot from Ur to Haran Terah takes Abram, Sarai, and Lot from Ur to Haran God tells Abram to go to Canaan (75 yrs old) God tells Abram to go to Canaan (75 yrs old) Abram goes to Egypt (famine in Canaan) Abram goes to Egypt (famine in Canaan) Abram returns from Egypt to Canaan Abram returns from Egypt to Canaan
After return to Canaan from Egypt, Abram has Lot choose a land After return to Canaan from Egypt, Abram has Lot choose a land Lot picks the Jordan Valley, Abram lives west of the Dead Sea Lot picks the Jordan Valley, Abram lives west of the Dead Sea War of the Kings War of the Kings God’s promise(s) to Abram, covenant God’s promise(s) to Abram, covenant Sarai and Hagar – Ishmael born (Abram 85 yrs old) Sarai and Hagar – Ishmael born (Abram 85 yrs old)
Micro to Macro to Micro to… Shift from single man (Adam) to nations to single man (Abram)…but through that man back to all nations Nations (Man) not lost at Babel but blessed via Abram Covenant Based on God, not Abram’s (or any man’s) faithfulness God’s plan to use Abram’s faith and him as a person God’s plan always prevails regardless of man’s faith The End Game: All nations will be blessed through Abram in the blessing of the Messiah.
God in close communion Provides everything Man sins Man reaps consequences God remains constant, consistent, and true God & Adam and Eve God’s story conveyed through scripture His relationship with Man, His consistency irrespective of Man’s actions
Man departs from God Seeks his own way God allows sin full expression Man reaps consequences God remains constant, consistent, and true God & the World
God’s story conveyed through scripture His relationship with Man, His consistency irrespective of Man’s actions (A) Man returns to God God provides everything Man sins…but remain faithful Man reaps consequences God remains constant, consistent, and true God &Abram
Promises and Ironies Gen 12:1-3 – What are the three promises? Great Nation Great Name Lineage (Seed) - All Nations Blessed Irony(ies) of God’s promise(s) Compare “Great Name” to Tower of Babel event Unity/Diversity – are they incompatible? Many for one purpose (Babel)/one for one purpose (Abram) Yet what of the Church? Working against God/working for God Settling in one place/Migration Yet what of a “promised land” Conclusion: God will accomplish His desires as He wishes and in His time, not ours
Faithful/Faithless-ness 12:4-9 – faithFULness. How does God confirm his promise? 12:10-20 – faithLESSness. Does this jeopardize God’s promise? Does God intervene? How? 13:1-14:16 – faithFULness. Allows Lot to choose. How does God confirm his promise?
Faithful/Faithless-ness 14:17-24 – faithFULness. King of Salem & King of Sodom How is Abram’s faith demonstrated? 15:6 – faithLESSness Believed unto righteousness Jewish emphasis on sacrifice of Isaac Christian emphasis on trust in God’s promise Rom 4:1-25 Gal 3:1-9 Focus is on God’s Promise in spite of faithlessness
The character of God’s commitment 15:7-21 – Weird Sacrificial Scene Abram wanted assurances Split sacrifices was a covenant Both parties passed between them Smoking Fire Pot represents God Did Abram pass through? Why/Why not? What is the implication? Relationship between our faith and God’s promises Can our faithlessness nullify God’s promises? Can our faithlessness prevent us from having access to God’s promises?
Whole-Bible Connection The Physical vs. The Spiritual 3:15 – Offspring of woman crushes the head of the offspring of the serpent 12:3 – In you (Abram) all families of the earth will be blessed NT Perspective Jews claim to be Abram’s offspring (John 8:31-44) Jesus says calls them offspring of the devil Paul clarifies “offspring” is by faith (Gal 3:7-9) “seed” is singular, referring to Christ (Gal 3:16)
Theology God of Abraham – Constant references Gen 26:24, Ex 3:16, 1 Chr 29:18, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 3:13 Theme: God keeps his promises But does so in His own way Often (usually?) in ways that surprise Man Is not dependent on Man
Toward Next Week Week 6 Descendants of Noah Promises Faithfulness/Faithlessness Contrast Promises Fulfilled - Gen 17:1-22:24