A study of Revelations
Revelations a Book of ChurchesChurches in Asia SpiritsSpirits before the throne StarsStars in his hand AngelsAngels GoldenGolden lampstands KingsKings HornsHorns & eyes SealsSeals on the scroll AngelsAngels blow trumpets BowlsBowls of judgement HeadsHeads with crowns MountainsMountains ‘s perfection Completeness
Letters to the Seven Churches EphesusEphesus - loveless SmyrnaSmyrna - persecuted PergamosPergamos - compromise ThyatiraThyatira - corrupt SardisSardis - dead PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia - faithful LeodiceaLeodicea - lukewarm
Jesus Says to All Churches Iknow your deeds RepentRepent and do right ToTo him who overcomes I will give HeHe who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches Error of calculating book as historical timeline
View of Heavenly Proceedings ThroneThrone room TheThe Lamb - only one worthy to take the scroll Twenty-fourTwenty-four Elders sing of his worthiness
The Seven Seals Opened HorsemenHorsemen are released 144,000144,000 of Israel sealed SoulsSouls of the Martyrs released CosmicCosmic disturbances
Seven Trumpets TheThe earth, sea, waters, & heavens struck LocustsLocusts released from the pit AngelsAngels released from the Euphrates TwoTwo witnesses & the Kingdom proclaimed
The Woman, the Child and the Dragon TheThe woman persecuted - the church Child being protected - Christ incarnated in our midst Dragon Satan thrown out of heaven
The Three Beasts BeastBeast from the Land (place of the saved) ecclesiastical or spiritual governance from the Sea (evil place in Jewish thinking) political governnance TheThe Scarlet Beast - the serpent of old, the fiery red dragon, the destroyer who is the Devil and Satan
Mark of the Beast MarkMark of a man - calculate 666 ForeheadForehead - things looked at and consider - worry HandHand - things we touch - trembling AlwaysAlways falls short of Godly - 777
The Seven Bowls of Judgement LoathsomeLoathsome sores for those with the mark of the beast SeaSea and waters become blood and thirds die (spiritual) MenMen are scorched and in pain TheThe Euphrates dries up in preparation Earth utterly shaken
The Mystery Woman Babylon the Great - Mother of Harlots?Babylon the Great - Mother of Harlots? In her hand the cup of the abominations of the EarthIn her hand the cup of the abominations of the Earth Rides the seven headed beastRides the seven headed beast Over waters - tribes tongues and nationsOver waters - tribes tongues and nations
Babylon’s Fall & Jerusalem’s Rise TheThe Satanic rebellion crushed JeweledJeweled Jerusalem comes down RiverRiver - Water of life TreeTree of life fruits & leaves for healing nations
Conclusion InstructionInstruction to all ages and churches ChristChrist the only one worthy to lead EnduringEnduring nature of the confusing spirit JudgementJudgement for following the Beast NewNew Jerusalem for those in Christ