The Christian and Money (3)
Where is Your Treasure? Matthew 6:19-21
The Beauty of Heaven Indescribable Real – Heb. 11:16 2 Pet. 3:13 TRUE tabernacle of God – Heb. 9:11-15, Heb. 12:23-25
The Beauty of Heaven Where God is Scenes in Revelation & Ezekiel 1 Place of rest – Rev. 14:13, Heb. 4:9-11 No night – Rev. 21:23, 22:5
The Beauty of Heaven The river of life Rev. 22:1, Psa. 46:4 The tree of life Gen. 3:22-23 Rev. 2:7, 22:2 No unclean thing Rev. 21:27, 1 Cor. 6:9-10
The Beauty of Heaven What will we be like? No sickness, tears, death Rev. 21:4 Incorruptible 1 Cor. 15: John 3:2
Whatever our concept, it is inadequate 2 Cor. 12:1-4 – caught up in paradise, words inexpressible and unlawful to say 2 Cor. 4:16-5:7
The Beauty of Heaven Will it be boring there? NO! Such is result of looking at heaven from flawed human perception. Do we allow such thoughts to dampen our desires to go there?
The Beauty of Heaven What will we be like? No sickness, tears, death Rev. 21:4 Incorruptible 1 Cor. 15: John 3:2
If we can grasp how wonderful heaven will be, perhaps it will give us a better perspective of the things we possess while upon this earth and how to manage them!
What does the world offer? Matt. 6:19-21 Moth, rust, theft Vanity – Eccl. 1:2 Temporary – Heb. 11:24-25, Jas. 4:4, 1 Tim. 6:7 Disappointment We KNOW this is true! It is VERIFIED in our lives! So why do we persist to put our trust in the things of this world?
Where is your treasure? A question of examination – Matt. 7:13-14 There are only two choices - Matt. 6:24
What is our treasure? Not always physical. Some have a materialistic (i.e. “stars in our crown”, degrees of heaven, etc.) Heaven is not about retaining physical possessions
What is our treasure? It is what we value the as important, cherish. Cf. Matt. 13:44-46 Two choices – Spiritual & mammon 2 Cor. 4:18 Phil 3:7-11
HOW do we lay up treasure? Think of investment cf. 2 Tim. 1:12 Where is your heart? Matt. 6:21 Prov. 4:23 Set your mind on things above – Col. 3:1-2
HOW do we lay up treasure? Give yourself to God Matt. 6:24, Deut. 30:19 cf. 2 Cor. 8:1-5
HOW do we lay up treasure? Do good deeds Luke 12:32-34, 14:13-14 Matt. 19:21, 10:42 Rev. 14:13 By seeking the lost 1 Thess. 2:19-20 (?)1 Cor. 3:11-15
HOW do we lay up treasure? Godly attitudes cf. 1 Cor. 13:13 Jas. 3:17 Rom. 14:17 In our worship cf. Book of Revelation Is our worship a “taste” of heaven?
Is your heart in heaven?