Counter Reformation Jigsaw Daniel Kim
Childhood of Girolamo Savonarola He had early passion for learning. His grandfather who was Physician first became Girolamo’s tutor. Even Though he was young, he loved to read St. Thomas Aquinas and the Arab commentators of Aristotle.
Background Information About Girolamo Savonarola Girolamo Savonarola was born on September 21st, 1452 at the City of Ferrara. Girolamo’s family was noble family. He died at Florence on May 23rd,1498 and age of 45. He studied Scripture, logic, philosophy and medicine. He earned arts degree at the university of Ferrara.
More Background Information About Girolamo Savonarola Girolamo Savonarola was a Dominican Reformer. He was a moral dictator of Florence when the Medici family was driven out He strongly disliked of jokes and frivolity, of poetry and inns , of gambling. Him and his followers were called “Snivellers” by Girolamo’s enemies. Girolamo Savonarola had lots of enemies. For example, pope Alexander VI was one of enemies.
More Background Information About Girolamo Savonarola Girolamo’s first success in preaching was at St. Gemignano. He preached at Florence and brought Moral reformation to Renaissance at the end of 15th century. He mostly preached on First Epistle of John and Book of Revelation. Pope Alexander XI excommunicated Girolamo on May 12, 1497 and he also threatened Florentines with interdict if they persisted in harboring Girolamo. He composed the masterpiece called, “Triumph of the Cross”
Background Information about Bonfire of the Vanities Girolamo Savonarola encouraged his followers to burn jewelries and trinkets in a huge fire which was called “Bonfire of The Vanities” Practice of Burning objects that leads up to temptation was to turn Catholic churches back toward faithful. Girolamo led this practice on February 7th , 1497. Bonfire of the Vanities is an act of burning objects convicted by Authorities. Girolamo Savonarola and his followers burned lots of objects like cosmetics, arts, books in the Florence which were at the festival called “Mardi Gras.”
Reason why Girolamo was excommunicated When Florence refused the offer to join the Holy League By pope Alexander VI, Girolamo was called by Pope. And as he was with pope, he refused to stop preaching against Catholic Church and to stop his campaigns like “Bonfire of the Vanities.” Pope then excommunicated Girolamo Savonarola because Catholic church feared him and thought that Girolamo could bring big chaos to catholic church and since he challenged Catholic Churches to melt gold and silvers catholic church disliked him.
People involved In this Counter reformation, Girolamo Savonarola and his followers and Catholic churches were involved since, Girolamo and his followers did the act of “Bonfire of the Vanities” and catholic churches were also involved since they disliked Girolamo Savonarola. His enemies like pope Alexander XI was involved.
Religious Disunity It showed religious disunity because the idea of Catholic Church and Girolamo Savonarola were different so Girolamo and church conflicted and as he was excommunicated there were religious conflict and it shows disunity.
bibliography Kirsch, Johann Peter. "Girolamo Savonarola." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 13. New York: Robert Appleton Company,1912. 6 Nov. 2014 <>. occurs-in-florence-italy