Charism is a response to the crisis by a God experienced person. He/She contemplates God in silence, solitude and stillness. This contemplation enables him/her to hear the cry of the people in distress and feels compassion for them and responds.
To understand and live our Charism 1.Be a God experienced person 2. Know the Context Contemplation Compassion What will happen to me? e.g. Good Samaritan What will happen to him? Only a God experienced person can hear the cry of the people. We don’t hear because we have lost this God experience.
JESUS’ CONTEMPLATION : COMPASSION Mk.6.31 Mk 6.34 COMPASSION ACTION Mk 6.37 We have gone away from our founding charism Make history come alive Re-founding the Charism Change our life style Revitalize the way we live Interpret the charism in the present world
The sacrifice I made was maximum, so what I am and What I do today also should be maximum. My Gentleness, My compassion, My doing good for others should be Maximum. Is it worth, the life I live for the sacrifices I made?
Do I experience the insecurity of people? Am I critical to be innovative and relevant today? Where do I stand in life commitment and sacrifice?
The General Chapter 2012 invites us Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo to rededicate and revitalize ourselves to become Mystics, Prophets and Servants for the Kingdom of God in today’s world, bringing nourishment, strength and healing to our communities and our mission Let our response and prayer be ‘Give me Elijah’s listening ears; Naboth’s loyal calling; Elisha’s vision for greater things; Amos’ voice for the oppressed; Hosea’s softened heart; Jeremiah’s honest tongue in prayer; Ezekiel’s ready feet and careful ways and Isaiah’s hope for each person I meet…’ Dan Synder THE DIRECTIVES OF THE GENERAL CHAPTER 2012
CHARISM “….to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God” (Mic 6:8) FOCUS Awakening the Mystic within by listening to the Word of God and through the regular contemplation of God’s compassion, we become the embodiment of our Charism in today’s world. Daring to be prophetic we realize ‘the Blessedness of Now’ and respond in creative service to the poorest of the poor.
Charism Implementation Impelled by the Word of God and imbued by the Spirit we take a prophetic stance to become agents of reconciliation, justice and peace. Inspired and Enriched by the life of our founder, patron, the founding sisters, first missionaries and our predecessors we live our charism ever more deeply. Reading, and reflecting Word of God and the documents of the Congregation in groups, in the Provinces/ Regions/ Communities, Sisters live the Charism in creative fidelity in today’s world. Seeing the face of Christ in the suffering humanity of today, we respond immediately and help them to experience the overflow of God’s compassion. The Chapter Theme ‘Called to be Mystics, Prophets and Servants…..’ is deepened through our recollections, conferences, community meetings, readings and retreats in the coming six years.
Our basic call is to be holy
“W hen I was in my mother’s womb God chose me.” Jeremiah “He chose me before the foundation of the world to be Holy ……” Eph: 1/4 “ I your Lord and God am Holy so you be Holy.” Lev:44-45 The one who called you is Holy so you be holy.” 1Pet: SPIRITUALITY
Holiness - the goal of our life Since holiness is the goal of our life we have to take care of our spirituality. God does not want action alone. Our work should be the expression or out flow of our holiness. As we grow older we should be able to see in us a remarkable growth in holiness. Heb. 12/ “ Try to be at peace with one another and live a holy life”. Reconciliation and holiness go hand in hand. The first step towards holiness is reconciliation. If there is problem in relationship it affects your integrity. Good community life is essential for a holy life.
General Chapter 2012 Spirituality is being more God- centered and Christ-like. We allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit to a constantly renewed discovery of God and His Word to a burning love for God and humanity. “The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth”. Jn. 4: 23 FOCUS Our consecrated life needs a renewed striving for holiness, aims at the radical following of Christ, lived in deep communion with the Lord, in a life of community and in the service of humanity. To achieve this, we shift our emphasis from ritualistic piety to a life giving spirituality. We contemplate the Word of God and live the Paschal Mystery.
Spirituality Implementation Find the Mystic within by spending quality time regularly in silence and personal prayer Contextualized personal study of the Word of God and sharing of God experience in our community and mission. We make the word of God a tool to evaluate our life and mission. We allow God to touch us and touch Him in the suffering humanity. We become bearers of Good news to all people. Monthly recollection in the coming year based on the chapter symbols of each Province/Region, for deeper reflection and contemplation.
Spirituality Activities Individual Level Deepening my longing for prayer through Eucharist, Word of God and other Spiritual Exercises. Being convinced of the need for Spiritual Reading, Examination of consciousness and Visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Spending quality time in prayer. Living and promoting an atmosphere of silence, peace and solitude. Having a ‘Half day switch off’ once a week, for those who cannot find time to pray.
Community Level 1. Avoiding the use of the cell phone during prayer in the chapel and community recreations. 2. Being sensitive to the brokenness of the community members. 3.Reorganizing the recollection day to spend quality and quantity time in prayer. 4. Praying for every sister of the community every day.
Province Level 1.Organizing long/short term renewal courses for all the sisters specially for silver and golden jubilarians. 2.Arranging contemplative retreats for all the sisters. 3.Having a prayer team comprised of senior sisters and others as a reservoir. 4.Reading and systematic study of the Bible under the direction of COSAF. 5. Initiating contemplative prayer in formation and contemplative retreats for sisters.
Spirituality By the end of December 2012, Sisters will have attended 3 days retreat on the theme of the chapter. Personnel will be ready for ongoing formation. We study the book of Prophets. Animators for SCB Associates and junior Associates are prepared. By the end of 2013 Sisters of the Province will have attended contemplative retreat. We study the book of Pentateuch. We have Junior SCB Associates.
By the end of 2014 We have community building and bonding programe. We study the Book of Psalms, Proverbs, Wisdom and Women in the Bible. By the end of 2015 We study the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. We have Bible Quiz conducted Zone wise.
By the end of December 2016 We study the Book of Revelation and letters We have the evaluation.