OECD World Forum Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Palermo, November
OECD World Forum Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Palermo, November Indicators and Social Accounting for 21st Century Social Policy Gosta Esping-Andersen
OECD World Forum Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Palermo, November Table 1. Poverty in Child Families. Cross-sectional Headcounts and Dynamics. Kaplan-Mayer Survival Functions, Rate of Poverty Persistency: Poverty Year One Year Two Three+ years (2000) Denmark France Germany Italy Spain U.K U.S __________________________________________________ Wilcoxson test for equality Pr>Chi2 =.0001 (Chi2=26.53) Source: ECHP, waves , and for the U.S., the PSID, Poverty rates are from LIS.
OECD World Forum Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Palermo, November Table 2. Total GDP Use for Social Protection 1) after tax claw-backs and other indirect taxes, plus tax subsidies 2)includes mandatory and voluntary plans, but excludes out-of-pocket payments Source: W. Adema, Net social expenditure. Labour Market and Social Policy-Occasional Papers, no.52. OECD (August, 2001). SwendenGermanyUSASweden/USA ratio Gross Expenditure Net expenditurer 1) Net Private Expenditure 2) Net Total Expenditure
OECD World Forum Statistics, Knowledge and Policy, Palermo, November TABLE 3. DYNAMIC ACCOUNTING OF THE COSTS AND RETURNS FROM DAY CARE PROVISION Assumptions: Mother, at age 30-35, has two kids she does not interupt employment (except one year maternity). Her wage is 67% of APW, and she will continue working until age 60. We apply 1.5%p.a. Mincer estimate of cummulative loss for 5 year interuption D.Kr. Cost to government: 2 years in creche (x2) = and 3 years in pre-school (x2) = Total Gains to mother: (a) 5 years with full earnings = and (b) life-time wage gain from no interuption = Total Gains to Exchequer: additional revenue from (a) = and additional revenue from (b) = Total Net return to Exchequer On original outlay ( – )