Visits and Shop Raven Hanna
Visits What do visitors want to see? What can visitors see? What do visitors want to learn? What impression does CERN want to give visitors?
Visitors’ Wants and Needs Varied backgrounds and interests What is CERN? What does it do? Who works there? What’s it like to work there? What is the history? What is the future?
CERN’s Wants and Needs Ensure visitors to enjoy their visits Promote a science-literate and science-supportive public Show the public their money is used wisely Share our enthusiasm for physics and particle research
Where to go? How do we show physicists at work? big machines control room restaurant offices internal roads/ building facades computer center library
Core Information Everything we see and know is made of fundamental particles and follows rules We know a lot, but still are working on many important questions To answer these questions we need a way to observe very small, very fast things We’ve developed particle accelerators to help. Each more powerful accelerator allows us to ask more probing questions. LHC will address these questions: e.g. Higgs, antimatter, and history of the universe LHC requires new technologies and engineering advancements Groups apply to put detectors on LHC – here’s the four that have been approved and what they will study.
Potential Itinerary Themes Mysteries of the Universe Cosmology Antimatter Informatics (web, grid) Engineering (cryogenics, superconductivity, magnets) Applied science (for medicine, like PET) Scientific method
A Day at CERN Start in the Globe (walk through LHC-like tunnel?) Watch movie about CERN stats Volunteer CERN employee lectures (enthusiastically) on particle physics (demonstrations?) Walk past offices to Library talk on open source & scientific method Bus tour around CERN to one more stop depending on tour type End back at shop/Globe
Under Consideration… make tours afternoon? set up “in situ” exhibits in the CERN halls? have experts give tour talks?
Shop Continuing the education…
Designs Good Esthetics Share science-information Quality Informational tag
Market Visitors students; teenagers teachers general public CERN employees Scientific visitors scientists students adults, teens, gifts
CERN topics Accelerators, LHC Antimatter Quarks and other particles Events W/Z particles Big bang/history of the universe Higgs
Potential Items Adults clothing desk sculpture keychains watches mugs gadgets (memory, tools) Male adults cuff links ties Female adults jewelry Teens clothing candy color-change mug cell-phone charm jewelry Children clothing coloring book toys stickers/temp tattoos Xmas Ornaments
Event Motif T-shirts Sweatshirts Ties/Scarves Mugs Key chains Tote bags Notebooks
T-shirts for women & teens Pretty, clean design Stylish style shirt Flattering & fashionable colors
In Search of Higgs
Future Scientist
Other Slogans CERN - Center of the Universe CERN - Looking back in time CERN - Where energy becomes matter Supersymmetry/Sparticles “I’m made of xxxx quarks”
Coffee Mugs
ViewMaster 3D picture viewer Offer 2 reels: tracks/events machines/detectors
Event Jewelry Simplified tracks in silver
Quark Jewelry 1 red + 1 green + 1 blue + gluons
Quark Toy 1 red + 1 blue + 1 green + many gluons
Meson Jewelry 1 quark + 1 antiquark = meson modeled on “friendship” necklaces
Dark Matter Jewelry
Accelerator Jewelry
Feynman Diagram Simple or Penguin
Feynman Diagram Toys
Magnetic jewelry French artist: Ingrid Kelleman
History of the Universe
History of the Universe Glasses
11 dimensions Cabali Yau space (projections) desk sculpture, jewelry, cufflinks, keychains
Globe Snow Globe
Edible Gifts Dark Matter candy mostly dark chocolate bits (Swiss, of course!) some white chocolate or colored candies mixed in CERN logo on jar (plus tag!) Quark candy Different colors for different quarks recipes?
Raven Hanna x building 33, room 010