Get ye to the Fair
Planning A Renaissance Fair What do you need to know? Who will be involved? Who else can help? What types of events will there be? How much will it cost and how will you pay for it? AND OF COURSE - What should you wear?
O.K. So it’s not the Arabian Knights!
Remember the Little Red Hen? “Who will help me make the clothes?”
What to wear & How to prepare……
What’s that on her head?
You’re always safe with basic black. How long to you suppose it takes them to get dressed? Where do they buy their clothes?
The First Batman? I’ll take jeans and a T-shirt any day!
Move over Ru Paull
You could poke an eye out with that thing!
Not exactly Nike!
“and who will help me build the booths?”
Here’s A Challenge! Imagine building something like this without modern machines!
“and who will help me with the music?”
What would the fair sound like?
Remind you of anyone at NPS?
“and who will help me create the games?”
Tournaments Perhaps you’ll win the hand of the fair lady…
Surely you Jest!
“and who will help me create the art?”
Renaissance Art Examples of Art from the Renaissance period Create your own art to be displayed
“I say, I say, the Hen deserves a break”
Let’s Eat
Or maybe she just didn’t want to become the main course!
Chivalry is not dead
Let’s review:
What is a fair…… music and dance, Art and romance Games, laughs and fun… ….Don’t forget the food What is a fair… And more….
So let’s make this a Knight to remember!