Welcome! The joining of our 5 organizations into one voice on this issue gives us POWER. We each have our own focus – but we are one in our belief that access to quality and affordable health care is a right that all Americans should have. Together we represent MILLIONS of Americans who want to see health care elevated to the top of candidates priorities.
ICE BREAKER Name and City Organization for which you are a volunteer, and any role you play in that organization.
Part 1: Why Are We Here? Mission
We Need Your Help Best opportunity to elevate this issue in over a decade. Voters care about health care and expect candidates to have answers. Other organizations will be making their voice heard.
But Why ME? You have been chosen to be a “Candidate Tracker” for your organization Your voice will make us stand out from the crowd. Its our right and our obligation to put a face on this issue.
So, what ARE we doing? It’s very simple, actually! Going to campaign events and asking questions of candidates. Distributing materials to others at campaign events so they know what questions we are asking the candidates about health care.
Part Two: What Are We Talking About? Guiding Principals
How Did We Get Here? Health Care Reform has been an issue in past national elections, but to little actual effect. Polling shows us that it’s a priority issue for voters again in this election – more so than it has been in over a decade. The leaders of our organizations realized that as the nation’s largest public health groups, we can be at the forefront of this debate.
Principals and Values 1.Quality health care for all All Americans deserve effective prevention, treatment and care. 2.Health care that’s affordable Getting the health care we need should not bankrupt individuals, families, businesses or society. 3.Health care without the “red tape” All Americans deserve a health care system that provides clear, up-front explanations of costs and benefits, provides the best value for their dollar, and eliminates unnecessary paperwork. 4.Health care when and where people need it All Americans, regardless of their health, deserve adequate coverage that gives them the best available treatment and care in appropriate settings through all life stages and levels of disability.
Why is it Important? Recent polling has shown a majority of people felt that health care has gotten worse over the past five years Presidential candidates need to know health care is important to voters
Questions for Candidates An issue that weighs heavily on a lot of people is the cost of health care. Too many of us know that we are just one injury or illness away from losing everything we have. What will you do to make sure people can afford the health care they need? Health care today is complicated, and even those of us who think we have good insurance find out too late that our coverage isn’t enough. What will you do to make sure people have health coverage that works for them if they get sick? As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but too any people are still going without the preventive care we know can make a difference in their lives. Do you have a plan to expand access to preventive care? As President, how would you ensure that ALL Americans would have access to affordable quality health care, regardless of income or pre-existing conditions?
Part Three: Tell Us Your Story Putting a Face on the Campaign
Putting A Face on the Issue Campaigns aren’t about public policy, they are about people. To stand out from the crowd, we need to have a hook. The principals only get us half way there – we need you to become the story.
So, what’s YOUR story? Who or what inspired YOU to be here today? Do you have a memorable health care experience? Was it negative? Was it positive? What are you worried about in regards to your own health care?
Palm Card Question An issue that weighs heavily on a lot of people is the cost of health care. Too many of us know that we are just one injury or illness away from losing everything we have. What will you do to make health care more affordable?
Real Story I’m a single mother, and I know that I need to make sure that my children have the best possible health care that I can provide them. But sometimes I feel like I’m making hard choices about the cost of their medication or treatments versus some other really basic needs, like rent or even groceries. What are you going to do to make sure that people like me don’t have to choose between our family’s health and well-being and just “getting by?”
Part Five: Reporting Let’s Keep in Touch!
We Want to Hear from You Please provide feedback to your staff partner at your organization after attending an event. All feedback will then be compiled into one tracking mechanism. Each organization will look at your feedback weekly, so we can see what candidates are saying, and adjust if needed.
What sort of info do we want? Candidate, event type, location and date. Did you get to ask a question? What was the candidate response? Did you speak to a reporter?
Part Six: Keeping it Legal Do’s and Don’ts
What is the Law? Some of our organizations are 501(c)3. Some are 501(c)4. What does that mean? A (c)3 organization is a charity – it can advocate for and against ideas and legislation, and educate the public on their views, but it CAN’T endorse candidates or persuade the public to support one candidate over another on the basis of those views. We all have to be at the HIGHEST threshold of the law if we want to work together – so we are all going to have to abide by the same law.
Other Rules and Guidelines Equal Treatment: We need to reach out to all campaigns and ask these questions of all candidates. Reporting: It is important that we hear from you, so we make sure we ARE treating all candidates equally.
Other Rules and Guidelines Independence: We can’t coordinate with candidates, or their staff. Education, not Evaluation: Our goal is to force answers, not evaluate responses. Our organizations are not coordinating for the purposes of evaluating candidates. We can’t publicize or comment on responses we receive.
Example Volunteer Steve asked candidate Jane Doe a question, At the end of her answer, she asked him if that was what he was hoping to hear. He tells her “Yes. Thanks so much for answering my question.”
…..and how we SHOULD do it. Steve may not realize this, but even just by telling Jane he likes what he heard, he may have implied an endorsement of her answer. The best way to conclude your interaction with a candidate is to say, “You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thank you very much ”
What’s Next? The Charge
Congratulations! You are now an official “Candidate Tracker.” You are part of a national effort to make health care a central priority in the 2008 elections.
Next Steps You can begin RIGHT AWAY! Coordinate with other volunteers from your area – even from other organizations. We will be holding other events around the state to reach out to the public, and we will need your help.
You are one in a million! Are You Covered? Millions of Voices for Quality Health Care Art Work from AARP will be inserted on this page to be consistent with the lapel stickers and t-shirts.