1 Country Report: Mexico Education of Migrants Fernando I. Salmerón Castro October 13, 2008
2 Historical Trends Historical immigration from: –Europe (conquistadores), –Africa (slaves) and –Asia (Pacific rim commerce). 19th Century: –European settlements and –Asians (railway construction) 20th Century: –Europe (pre WWII) Spain, Germany, Italy; –Lebanon religious wars –US retired military –1960s-70s: South America, Central America, Caribbean NAFTA: –US & CA, Central America, Chinese, Koreans Indians
3 Foreign residents in Mexico by region: 2000 Source: CONAPO Total: people 5 years and older = 100% Less than 0.5% of total population
4 Foreign Students Enrolment by Country of Origin US Total: = 100%
5 Foreign Students in Pre-primary and Primary ISCED 0 and ISCED1 Source: Table A. ENROLMENT OF FOREIGN STUDENTS BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, SEX AND EDUCATIVE LEVEL, %
6 Enrolment by Educative Level: US
7 Enrolment by level: US, Central A, South A, Asia
8 Internal Migrants