Primary 1 English Assessment Briefing for Parents 4 Jan 2011 Mrs Finella Goh
Desired Outcomes for English Proficiency in Singapore All should attain foundational skills particularly in grammar, spelling and basic pronunciation Majority of our pupils will attain a good level of competence in English, both in speech an writing At least 20% will attain a high degree of proficiency in English
Syllabus Aims Listen, read and view critically and with accuracy and understanding a wide range of literary and informational/functional texts from print and non-print sources Speak, write and represent in internationally acceptable English (Standard English) that is grammatically fluent, mutually intelligible and appropriate for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures Understand and use internationally acceptable English (Standard English) grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately as well as understand how speakers/writers put words together and use language to communicate meaning
File Check From Terms 1 – 3, the teacher will be teaching file organisation skills Updating the contents page (title of worksheet, date, score, etc) Categorising the worksheets into various components (e.g. daily supplementary work, topical exercises, revision papers, etc) Maintaining neatness in file. The file will be checked in term 4 using a rubric.
Performance Tasks In a performance task, the pupil is expected to work either individually or in groups where they need to communicate their ideas with an understanding of purpose, audience and context
Sample : Talk about an interesting object. It can be your - favourite game or soft toy. - an interesting book. - a special gift. - a souvenir from your travels.
My Favourite Story Character Mrs Wishy Washy Dan the Flying Man Little Red Riding Hood Godilocks Cinderella Pipe Piper Kipper
P1 Pupils in Action
How do we assess in performance tasks? For some tasks, rubrics are used.rubrics
Level of Attainment DESCRIPTORS clear and consistently good pronunciation fluent reading and without hesitation at a good pace and with expression clear pronunciation; with a few errors generally smooth delivery with little hesitation generally clear pronunciation with some noticeable errors generally smooth delivery with some hesitations pronunciation somewhat unclear slow and hesitant delivery most words mispronounced very slow and jerky / word-by-word delivery Rubric for Reading Aloud
Thank You