What’s This? Let’s Get Ready Work On It Dialogue 1 Listen Up


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Presentation transcript:

What’s This? Let’s Get Ready Work On It Dialogue 1 Listen Up Pronunciation Theme Words Activity Reading More To Do Reading Comprehension Grammar Focus

Let’s Get Ready What kind of present do you want for your birthday? Check.

Let’s Get Ready(Answer) What kind of present do you want for your birthday? Check. ˇ ˇ ► 參考答案   I want pencil boxes. I want frisbees. I want a drum. I want a basketball. ˇ ˇ

Dialogue 1 (Presents for Harry’s birthday party) Eric: Look! It’s a beautiful box. Nora: It’s my present for Harry. Eric: Is it a basketball? Nora: No. It’s something else. Eric: Then, what is it? Nora: All right! It’s only a red pencil box. Ella: Poor Harry! 中譯 解析

Dialogue 1 (中譯) Nora: 這是我給哈利的禮物。 Eric: 這是籃球嗎? Nora: 不。這是其他東西。 (在哈利的生日派對上的禮物) Eric: 看!這是一個漂亮的盒    子。 Nora: 這是我給哈利的禮物。 Eric: 這是籃球嗎? Nora: 不。這是其他東西。 Eric: 那麼,這是什麼? Nora: 好吧!這只是一個紅色    的鉛筆盒。 Ella: 可憐的哈利! 英文

重點講解(對話篇1) 1. It’s my present for Harry. 指「這是我給 Harry 的生日禮物。」 Dialogue 1 1. It’s my present for Harry. 指「這是我給 Harry 的生日禮物。」 2. something else 指「其他東西」,else 為形容詞放在 something 後面修飾, 此文法稱之為「後位修飾」。 3. What is it? 指「它是什麼?」;What is...? 表「…是什麼?」回答時, 用 It’s....。當主詞為 it 時,What 和 is 不可縮寫。 4. Poor Harry! 意為「可憐的 Harry!」,原句為 Harry is so poor.

Quiz(對話篇1) 1. It’s a red pencil box.(依畫線部份造原問句) _____________________________________ 2. 這是我要給媽媽的禮物。 3. 這是鉛筆盒嗎? 4. 這是一個好漂亮的生日禮物啊! 5. 這只是某個東西而已。 Dialogue 1 What is it? It’s my present for my mother. Is it a pencil box? It’s a beautiful birthday present! It’s something.

Dialogue 2 (At Harry’s birthday party) you, Tony. Harry: What’s this? It’s a cup! Thank you, Tony. Tony: You’re welcome. Harry: Now, what are these? Oh, this is a frisbee from Sally. And this is a basketball from.… Lisa: It’s from me. It’s only a little present. 中譯 解析

Dialogue 2 presents! something? Wow! A beautiful Harry: Thank you. These are great presents! Tony: What about the big box over there? Nora: That’s from me! Harry: It’s so big. Is it a drum or something? Wow! A beautiful pencil box. Thanks, Nora. ˇ ˇ ˇ 聽力內容 中譯 解析

Dialogue 2 (中譯) (在哈利的生日派對) Harry: 這是什麼?是個杯子。謝謝你, 東尼。 Tony: 不客氣。 自莎莉的飛盤。這個籃球來自 .... Lisa: 這是我送的。只是個小禮物。 英文

Dialogue 2 (中譯) Harry: 謝謝你們。這些是很棒的禮物。 Tony: 在那裡的大盒子是誰的呢? Nora: 那是我送的。 是一個漂亮的鉛筆盒。謝謝妳, 諾拉。 英文

重點講解(對話篇2) 1. At someone’s party 2. What’s this? 3. Now, what are these? 指「這些是什麼?」,Now 在此為轉折語氣,What are...? 表「…是什麼?」,回答時用 They’re....。 4. Frisbee 飛盤 “frisbee” 有時第一個字會大寫成 “Frisbee”,因為這是 Wham-O 公司所出品的飛盤之註冊商標,因為此公司所出的 Frisbee 系列飛盤熱賣,所以許多人將飛盤稱之為 Frisbee。 Dialogue 2

重點講解(對話篇2) 5. What about…? 6. That’s from me. 指「如何;怎麼樣」。 Dialogue 2 5. What about…? 指「如何;怎麼樣」。 6. That’s from me. 表示「那是我送的。」,from 為介系詞,後面代名詞必 須使用「受格」。

Quiz(對話篇2) 1. What’s this? (a pencil) 2. What are these? (boxes) _____________________________________ 2. What are these? (boxes) 3. 這是 Billy 送的飛盤。 4. 在那裡的大盒子是什麼啊? 5. 這是鉛筆盒還是什麼啊? Dialogue 2 It’s a pencil. They are boxes. This is a frisbee from Billy. What about the big box over there? Is it a pencil box or something?

Theme Words Look and say. A a card an eraser one schoolbag a ruler an envelope two pencil boxes

Theme Words Fill in the blanks. B 1. This is __________ _____________. 2. That is __________ ___________. 3. This is ________ _______________. 4. These are __________. 5. Those are __________. 6. Those are _________ __________. a schoolbag an eraser an envelope cards rulers pencil boxes books cakes parks boys apples eggs boxes buses puppies parties

Reading Today is Harry’s birthday. This birthday cake is for him, and the red candles are beautiful. His friends are in his home. They are very happy together. 中譯 解析

Reading (中譯) 哈利的生日 並且這些紅色蠟燭很漂亮。他的朋友都在他家。 他們在一起很高興。 今天是哈利的生日。這個生日蛋糕是給他的, 並且這些紅色蠟燭很漂亮。他的朋友都在他家。 他們在一起很高興。 英文

重點講解(閱讀) 表示「蛋糕」是給「他」的。For 為介系詞,後面代名 表示「在某人的家」。 Reading 1. This birthday cake is for him. 表示「蛋糕」是給「他」的。For 為介系詞,後面代名 詞必須用「受格」。 2. Someone is in his / her home. 表示「在某人的家」。

Quiz(閱讀篇) 1. When is Mary’s birthday? (Today) _________________________________________ 2. What is for John? (birthday present) 3. Where are Julia’s friends? (her home) 4. 這個生日蛋糕是給他媽媽的。 5. 他們在一起很快樂。 Reading Today is Mary’s birthday. The birthday present is for John. Her friends are in her home. The birthday cake is for his mother. They are very happy together.

Reading Comprehension True or false. 1. It is Harry’s birthday today. 2. This cake is Harry’s friend. 3. The red candles are beautiful. 4. Harry is in his friend’s home. 5. Harry and his friends are happy together. ˇ T F ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A What is this? that? It is a birthday cake. an apple.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A Ask and answer the questions. Example this Q: What’s this? A: It’s a cat.  that Q: What’s ? A: It’s . that a book

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A  that Q: _____________________ A: It’s _ ___ _________ . What’s that? an egg  this Q: _____________________ A: _____________________ What’s this? It’s a box.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A  this Q: _____________________ A: _____________________ What’s this? It’s a drum.  that Q: _____________________ A: _____________________ What’s that? It’s an envelope.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B What are these? those? They are eggs. boxes.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B Ask and answer the questions. Example these Q: What are these? A: They’re oranges.  those Q: What are __? A: They’re _. those schoolbags

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B  those Q: What are _? A: ____________________ those They’re candles.  these Q: ________________________ A: ________________________ What are these? They’re boxes.

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B  these Q: _______________________ A: ________________________ What are these? They’re rulers.  those Q: _____________________ A: ______________________ What are those? They’re envelopes.

Work On It Circle the correct answers. A Ken: What’s in the box? Ann: It’s a frisbee for Amy. Today is ( she’s / her ) birthday. Ken: Is the birthday card for ( she / her ), too? Ann: Yes, but it’s not from ( I / me ). It’s from Jerry. I → me you →you he → him she →her it → it we → us you → you they → them

Work On It Rewrite the sentences. B 1 2 3 4 This is a box. → _______________ Example That is an apple. → ________________ This is a book. → These are books. These are boxes. Those are apples. 3 4 These are cards. →______________ Those are erasers. →________________ That is an eraser. This is a card.

Listen Up A B A B A B A B A B Listen and check. A ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 聽力內容 1 2 3 4 5 A B ˇ A B ˇ

Listen Up B Listen and choose. 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B 聽力內容 (A) They’re my books. (B) He’s my student. (C) It’s her cat. (A) Yes. It’s a pencil. (B) No. It’s red. (C) No. It’s something else. 3 B 4 A (A) This is a cute cat. (B) Yes, they are. (C) It’s small. (A) Harry’s birthday cake. (B) That cake is great. (C) It’s fine. 5 B (A) It’s for you. (B) Thank you. (C) And you?

Pronunciation car girl love red key dog lake park cake ago call friend Listen and repeat. A car girl love red key dog lake park cake ago call friend lucky tiger pencil where

Pronunciation C A B A Listen and choose. B 1. __________________ 聽力內容 Listen and choose. B 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ C A B A

Pronunciation Listen and practice. C 1. Kevin can clean the dirty desk. 2. The girl is going to the garden.

Pronunciation Listen and practice. C 3. Lily likes small bells. 4. The brown bear is near the red door.

Activity Circle and talk about them. Q: What’s this? A: It’s a cap. Example Q: What’s this? A: It’s a cap. Q: What are these? A: They’re cards.

More To Do (Optional) Look and say. A 3 2 1 4 6 5 a mouth → three mouths. a family(家庭) → two families a bus(公車) → two buses 4 6 5 a glass → five glasses a dish(盤 ; 碟) → four dishes a watch(手表) → three watches

More To Do (Optional) Look and say. A 8 9 7 Q & A B a box → three boxes. a leaf(葉子) → five leaves a knife(刀子) → two knives Q & A B Q: What’s this / that? A: It’s a dictionary(字典). Q: What are these / those? A: They’re two dictionaries. Example Q: __________________________ A: __________________________ 自由作答 自由作答

Words-Dialogue 1 There is something under the table. 1. present (n.) 禮物 The present is for Mary. 2. for (prep.) 給;為…準備 The cute dog is for you. 3. birthday (n.) 生日 When is your birthday? 4. party (n.) 派對 Your party is great. 5. beautiful (adj.) 美麗的 This envelope is so beautiful. 6. basketball (n.) 籃球 The basketball is for my brother. 7. something (pron.) 某事; 某物 There is something under the table. 8. else (adj.) 其他;另外 What else do you like? 9. all right (phr.) 好吧 Mom: Don’t watch TV. Son: All right! 10. only (adv.) 僅僅;只是 He is only seven years old. 11. poor (adj.) 可憐的 That boy is so poor. 單字解析 Dialogue 1

Words-Dialogue 2 Ben: You’re welcome. 單字解析 Dialogue 2 Julia: Thank you very much. Ben: You’re welcome. 2. these (pron.) 這些 These are my books. 3. frisbee (n.) 飛盤  This frisbee is brown. Dialogue 2

Words-Dialogue 2 This gift is not from me. Wow! The pig is so big! 單字解析 4. about (prep.) 關於 The story is about him. 5. over there (phr.) 在那邊 She is not here. She is over there. 6. me (pron.) 我(I 的受格) This gift is not from me. 7. drum (n.) 鼓 This drum is very big. 8. or (conj.) 或者 Is this a pen or a pencil? 9. wow (interj.) 哇(表示驚奇的感嘆詞) Wow! The pig is so big! Dialogue 2

Words-Reading 單字解析 Reading 1. him (pron.) 他(he 的受格) This cake is for him. 2. candle (n.) 蠟燭 The candle is long, not short. 3. home (n.) 家(庭) Is your brother at home now? 4. together (adv.) 一起 Let’s go shopping together. Reading

True or false 聽力內容 1. The red pencil box is in the beautiful box. 2. The frisbee is from Sally. 3. The drum is a birthday present from Nora. True or false

Listen Up 聽力內容 Listen and check. 1. This is a drum. 2. That is an envelope. 3. Those are bags. 4. These are candles. 5. That’s a poor dog. B. Listen and choose. 1. What are these? 2. Is that a pencil box? 3. These cats are cute. 4. What is it? 5. Happy birthday, Tony. Listen Up-A Listen Up-B

Pronunciation 聽力內容 B. Listen and choose. 請選出發音不相同的字 1. (A) cab (B) cab (C) gab 2. (A) lip (B) rip (C) rip 3. (A) Dick (B) dig (C) Dick 4. (A) red (B) led (C) led Pronunciation-B