Metamorphic Rocks Section 4-3
Metamorphic Rocks Rocks that have changed due to heat and pressure Banding effect – causes the minerals to become squashed in lined or banded (foliated) forming a gneiss.
2 ways gneiss is formed Flattening due to pressure from above Stretching due to pulling along fault lines Flattened rock with foliation versus stretched rock with lineation. Illustration by Anne Crowder. Foliation
Notice banding of minerals Notice bending of bands due to folding pressure
Causes of heat and pressure Heat – 1. Radioactive decay 2. Contact with magma pools Pressure 1. Overlying rock 2. Plate boundaries
Formation of Metamorphic rocks
Classification of Metamorphic Rocks Foliated Rocks – minerals are flattened and line up in parallel bands Ex. Gneiss – forms from granite
Slate – forms from shale - minerals so tightly packed water cannot pass through
Careful on this pronunciation. There’s an “s” before the “t”. Schist – layering of minerals Ex. Mica schist
Metamorphic rocks that are not banded. (nonfoliated) Nonfoliated rocks – no banding occurs - mineral grains change, grow and rearrange Ex sandstone (mostly quartz) – forms quartzite.
Marble – formed from limestone
Marble Calcite – give it a shiny appearance Hornblende and serpentine – give it its greenish tint Hematite – give it is reddish tint Used in statues
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