Unit 2 Pronunciation. Amy: Laura hurt her leg on Monday. Sandy: Oh, really! Amy: She has to stay in the hospital for a month. Sandy: A month! Amy: Yes.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 2 Pronunciation

Amy: Laura hurt her leg on Monday. Sandy: Oh, really! Amy: She has to stay in the hospital for a month. Sandy: A month! Amy: Yes. She won’t be able to play basketball for three months. Sandy: I am sorry to hear that! Pronunciation A

Rules: We usually make our voice fall at the end of an affirmative sentence. We make our voice rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise.

1.—Look out the windows. It’s snowing! — Snowing! 2. — Mr Wu is going be on TV tonight. — Mr Wu! 3. — Joe wants to get a pet monkey. — A monkey!

4. — I’m hungry. — Hungry? You just ate four hamburgers. 5. — We’ll have cakes for dinner tonight. — Cakes! 6. — Did you hear the news? Liu Mei is going to move to Canada. — I don’t believe it.

Unit 2 Checkout Unit 2 Checkout

Kitty 13 Amy 13 1.Kitty is as old as Amy. Kitty is ______________ Amy. 2. The price of the hat is ___________ the tie’s. ¥ 98 the same age as the same as

size: 40 the same size as 3. This goldfish is _________________ that one. 4. Mr Green’s shoes are ______________ Mr White’s. the same colour as

Tom has ____ cakes ____ Lily. Lily has _____ cakes ____ Tom. more fewer TomLily than

Simon has less orange juice than Sandy. Sandy has more orange juice than Simon.

Millie’s pencil box is the same size as Amy’s pencil box. Amy’s pencil box is the same colour as Kitty’s pencil box. Amy has fewer pencils than Simon. Simon has more paper clips than Kitty. Kitty’s rubber is different from Simon’s rubber. Read the following sentences first.

Find out which pencil box belongs to each of the students.

改错 1. I need less flowers than my sister. 2. The teacher has fewer money than her brother. 3. There are less water in this bottle than in that one. 4. He spends much time playing computer games than anyone else in his class. fewer less is more

1. 在我国,北方的雨水比南方少。 2. 这袋子里的苹果最少。 3. 英国学生的暑假比美国学生短几周。 4.Daniel 在昨天的历史比赛中获得最高分。 5. 家政比美术受欢迎得多。 6. 我的房间和你的房间长度一样。 7.Simon 花在 CD 上的钱比 Sandy 少。 8. 昨天晚饭 Amy 吃的牛肉最多。

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Schools and students Mixed school Secondary school High school Senior

Word group swimmingrulergeographymixed school softballpencilmathssecondary school basketballrubbersciencehigh school table tennispaperhistorysenior sport stationary School subjects Schools and students

翻译 1. 在混合学校男生比女生多. There are than girls in ________ school. 2. 我知道怎么解决这个问题. I know problem. 3. 他在语文上花的时间比在数学上花是时间多. He on Chinese than on Maths. 4. 体育是最受欢迎的课程之一. PE is one of. more boys a mixed how to solve the spends more time the most popular subjects

5. 他们总是在课堂上很愉快地认真听讲. They always have _______________________ _____________in class. 6. 下个月他想请两天假. Next month he is going to. 7. 河的每一边有一些花. There are some flowers the river. a great time listening have two days off on each side of carefully

1. Finish the exercises on the paper. 2. Write a short passage (Interview one of your friends, and compare your family life with his / hers, using the same as or different from…). Homework