Visual Supports for Students in the Primary Grades & An Introduction to Boardmaker Online Sarah Anderson, Speech-Language Pathologist Asha Parkash, Speech-Language Pathologist Brendan McCann, Occupatioinal Therapist Chris Brown, Registered Psychologist Peace Collaborative Services
SESSION OVERVIEW: Part 1: Visual Supports for the primary student/s Part 2: Introduction and Overview of Boardmaker TM Online
What are VISUAL supports A way of making auditory information visual Most of us use visual supports to navigate our days: calendars, maps, watches, to-do lists
Why Are Visuals Important? Words are transient (once said they are gone), but visuals are permanent (can refer to them repeatedly and independently) Increase structure and routine Builds understanding of expectations and wait time Can help to improve organization, planning, memory, and communication intent Prepare and cope with transitions Reduce stress and/or anxiety Reduce negative behaviors Builds confidence and interdependence
Important Considerations Strengths and weakness of the individual (e.g., sequencing, following directions, memory, etc.). Modes of learning (visual, auditory, written, 2 vs. 3-deminsional objects, etc.). Advantages and disadvantages of different types of visual aids
Types of Visual Representations Real Objects Most concrete form of representation Tangible representations of activities Helps solidify connection between object and activity Cumbersome Photographs Digital, clip art, magazines Line drawings/Symbols Computer programs Boardmaker TM Studio Written Words Can be combined with photographs or line drawings
Types of Visual Representations Real Objects Most concrete form of representation Tangible representations of activities Helps solidify connection between object and activity Cumbersome Photographs Digital, clip art, magazines Line drawings/Symbols Computer programs Boardmaker TM Studio Written Words Can be combined with photographs or line drawings
Types of Visual Supports Visual Schedules Visuals to Structure the Environment Visual Scripts Rule reminder cards Visual task analysis
Visual Schedule E.g., daily schedule, first/then Help children anticipate the order of events and activities and increase independence Illustrate what activity is taking place To specify what activity will occur next To indicate when an activity is finished To identify any changes that might occur in the schedule
Object schedule
First/Then Chart A visual display of something a child prefers…that will happen after completing a task that is less preferred It motivates/teaches children to do activities they don’t like and clarifies when they can do what they like Decide what task you want the child to complete first and the preferred item/activity that the child can have immediately after the ‘first’ task is done. Present the board to the child with brief verbal instructions “first ___, then ____”
Types of Visual Supports Visual Schedules Visuals to Structure the Environment Visual Scripts Rule reminder cards Visual task analysis
Visuals to Structure the Environment Use photographs and lined drawings (symbols) to visually organize the environment and to represent the specific places where items belong Can help identify tasks that are completed in specific locations E.g., picture of a dishwasher to show empty dishwasher, picture of clothes and a laundry basket to show wash clothes
Types of Visual Supports Visual Schedules Visuals to Structure the Environment Visual Scripts Rule reminder cards Visual task analysis
Visual Scripts Refer to written scenarios, skits, examples children can use to initiate conversations or interactions with others. Social Story Can help children with Social behaviour Sharing toys, taking turns Decreasing an inappropriate behavious Whining, yelling, nose picking
Types of Visual Supports Visual Schedules Visuals to Structure the Environment Visual Scripts Rule reminder cards Visual task analysis
Rule Reminder Cards Visually present expectations for behaviours in a variety of settings Can help children learn what behaviour is acceptable or unacceptable and what consequences are likely to result from engaging in these behaviours
Visual Task Analysis Step-by-step support to facilitate a child’s independence in completing tasks. These tasks can be simple everyday activities or more complex tasks that are composed of many steps E.g., making a sandwich, completing an assignment, getting ready to go home, doing laundry, hygiene routine Providing children with an accessible, visual reference guide, you can enhance a child’s independence and decrease adult prompting Ideal for students with receptive language delays; who are easily distracted from task at hand, who forget the order of a multistep process or who have become dependent on an adults prompt
Final thoughts View the student’s visual communication supports as part of their educational program, not something additional that has to be incorporated into their day Visual use can support IPP goals Just because visual use is successful for that child does not mean you can take it away they still may need the support (may just know the routines) Visual use is a skill that needs to be taught to a child and this takes time to learn– be patient!
Let’s practice! How to use the visual support?
Creating original content Create a new project, page, activity Click new project Name file Choose page Save page File menu Save as Choose location to save Once boardmaker is installed on your computer, there will be a boardmaker Studio file under documents. This is where it defaults to when saved unless otherwise specified. Saved as a bdf file which can only be opened in a boardmaker program
Project organization Projects, and pages Project Name=test; Page name: Page 1 Add a page within a project Practice opening multiple pages Using the project panel Use to work with the project and its pages Pinning the panel Main tool bar File menu New Open Save Save all Undo/redo Exit to connect
Designing a page Working with buttons Standard button Style Style override (shape, fill colour, border colour) Group button Spray tool Working with freeform objects Working with labels
Working with Symbols Overview of symbols Accessing symbols through library Accessing symbols through typing The symbols panel Using real photos
Creating content using templates Templates at a glance Create a new project from a template Create a new page from a template Add content to a template Create new template
Printing Printing a page from your project Printing a project
Convert to pdf File menu-print page or print project-choose adobe pdf (see below) Name the document, choose place to save it-click save