We stand for responsible business Silver Surfers’ Day Volunteer Training Roisin Smith Employee Volunteering Executive
We stand for responsible business Is there a Digital Divide in Northern Ireland? Citizen (16yrs and over)49% Over 65 years89% With disability70% Access to the Internet Have No Access
We stand for responsible business History of Silver Surfers’ Day Silver Surfers Assisted Volunteers Companies Libraries/ locations
We stand for responsible business Ronald Heasty, aged 98 “There is so much on the internet, it really is fascinating….it has become part of my daily routine’ “For people like me who cannot get about as much as I would like, it is the best way of keeping in touch with what is happening in the world, and keeping in touch with people and even finding old friends.”
We stand for responsible business To familiarise seniors with the computer To enable seniors to access internet To enable seniors to access sites of interest Seniors to understand how to send/receive s To give seniors their own address Familiarise seniors with other forms of Digital media Objectives of the day
We stand for responsible business Contained in your packs are: ₋Some tips for volunteers ₋A guide to give to each senior ₋Next steps and evaluation forms for each senior ₋Some information about IT classes within your local library which may be of interest to your seniors ₋GO ON NI goodies - one for each senior you see ₋An internet made easy CD for your senior to take home and practice their newly developed skills at their own pace Packs and T-shirts N.B you must collect your volunteer pack and t-shirt from your allocated library, week commencing 15 April.
We stand for responsible business 1.Check why they have come 2.What the computer is all about – Introduction to the computer – Different components – Clicking and learning some mouse skills 3.Some may want to get straight on to the Internet – See interesting websites section in your guides – Search for information they’re interested in, keywords i.e. golf 4.How to send/receive an – Set up mygroupni.com account 5.For further training... where to go next? Use ‘Next Steps’ form included in pack 6.Evaluation Form – ask them to complete Running a Silver Surfer taster session
We stand for responsible business 10 tips for volunteers 1.Make sure screens are showing something interesting 2.Be ready, bright and breezy...smile! 3.Lead people to a chair 4.Have a name badge so that people know you 5.Wear your Silver Surfer Volunteer T-shirt 6.You’re offering a taste of Silver Surfing, not detailed training 7.Think in terms of 45-minute slots per person 8.Some will just want to chat and hover—include them 9.Encourage people; listen to people’s interests 10.Adjust seats, tilt the screen, turn font-size up
We stand for responsible business Setting up an address See page 7 of the Guide - mygroupni.com/silver surfers NB: to access their inbox, seniors must go to and type in their username and password, e.g., and the password they created when registering
We stand for responsible business Please take the Evaluation and Next Steps form from the Silver Surfer and return to the library coordinator. At the end of each session…
We stand for responsible business Volunteer Evaluation An online evaluation form will be ed out to you after Silver Surfers Day – please try to complete this as we take on any suggestions/comments you will have.
We stand for responsible business Any queries please contact: Nikki Whellans Silver Surfers’ Day Team (028)
We stand for responsible business The NI Direct Digital Inclusion Unit within the Department of Finance and Personnel promotes a digitally inclusive society through a range of projects working in partnership with various organisations to help digitally excluded citizens get online. Digital Inclusion is all about access, making online technology available to everyone and ensuring that every individual in Northern Ireland (irrespective of personal circumstances) is able to access low cost, convenient computing and Internet technology.
We stand for responsible business This year, Silver Surfers Day takes place during Spring Online Week which is a national campaign to help older people and other less confident users to understand, explore and enjoy digital technology. Silver Surfers’ Day is part of our ‘Go ON NI’ campaign which focuses on encouraging as many people as possible to go online, addressing any barriers, promoting the benefits of accessing the Internet, and seeing the convenience of online public services. Silver Surfers Day 2013 Information on last years event can be viewed at
We stand for responsible business The Go ON NI website can assist during your IT taster sessions for; background information for yourself IT awareness IT hardware and software fraud and security hints and tips on training.
We stand for responsible business
Go ON NI also assist with the Digital Champion initiative. If you enjoy your Silver Surfers day so much you may wish to consider being a Digital Champion who would give up a small amount of their time to share their knowledge and experience of the Internet to show others the benefits of being online. Digital Champions A big thank you for being a Silver Surfer Volunteer and good luck on Friday 26 April and beyond from the Digital Inclusion Team; Mark Bennett - Leslie Smyth -
We stand for responsible business A REALLY useful website
We stand for responsible business What makes nidirect different? All the info, all in one place Designed to be easy to navigate Want to Report a broken streetlight? Book an MoT? Find out about Pension Credit? Get an angling licence? Find out about family history? Order a copy marriage certificate? Get help paying rates?
We stand for responsible business Go online … All the info, all in one place! Just search for it
We stand for responsible business On behalf of Libraries NI: “Thank you for volunteering to help!” Your commitment to support this event is vital for Silver Surfers’ Day Your involvement will make the day special. We can’t do it without you!
We stand for responsible business Contact your designated library to introduce yourself as a Silver Surfers’ Day volunteer Arrange to collect your volunteer pack from the library at least a week before the event (to confirm your commitment to attend the event) If you haven’t been to the library before please ask library staff for useful information about the venue – directions, parking, facilities, etc. Things to do before the day:
We stand for responsible business Don’t forget your Silver Surfers’ Day manuals! Leave plenty of time to travel and arrive in good time before your session. Keen surfers often arrive early Introduce yourself to library staff when you arrive. They will show you to a computer and give you names of participants Tea and coffee will be provided so please take a well-earned break between sessions and at lunchtime On Silver Surfers’ Day
We stand for responsible business Libraries NI has developed a FREE exciting support/training programme for people who want to find out more about technology and computers. Got IT? is a computer help programme delivered by Libraries NI staff to support people with little or no knowledge of computers. Go ON takes these skills one step further and allows people to enhance their computer abilities. If you would like to participate in these programmes, call your nearest library and find out more today. For library details go to
We stand for responsible business Thank you!