ปฏิบัติการ วิชา พยาธิ วิทยา ครั้งที่ 1 ภาควิชาพยาธิวิทยาและ นิติเวชศาสตร์ คณะแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร
เนื้อหา Cell adaptation, injury and death Inflammation and Repair Hemodynamic disorder
Cell adaptation, injury and death
Reversible cell injury; Cloudy swelling of Hepatocytes (Micros) Fatty change of Liver (Gross&Micros) Hyaline change; Mallory bodies in hepatocytes (Micros)
Cloudy swelling of Hepatocytes (Micros)
Fatty change of Liver (Gross&Micros)
Hyaline change; Mallory bodies in hepatocytes (Micros)
Cell adaptation, injury and death Irreversible injury; Coagulative necrosis of Kidney (Renal infarct) Coagulative necrosis of Spleen (Splenic infarct) Liquefactive necrosis of Lung (Lung abscess) Liquefactive necrosis of Brain (Brain infarct) Caseous necrosis of Lymph nodes Enzymatic fat necrosis in Acute pancreatitis
Coagulative necrosis of Kidney (Gross&Micros)
Coagulative necrosis of Kidney (Gross)
Coagulative necrosis; Renal infarct
Coagulative necrosis; Splenic infarct
Liquefactive necrosis; Lung abscess
Liquefactive necrosis; Brain infarct
Caseous necrosis of Lymph nodes (Gross & Micro)
Caseous necrosis; TB lymph nodes
Enzymatic fat necrosis in Acute pancreatitis (Gross&Micros)
Cell adaptation, injury and death Cellular adaptation; Hypertrophy ( Heart and Uterus) Testicular atrophy Prostatic hyperplasia Cellular accumulation; Cholesterolosis of Gall bladder
Testicular atrophy (Gross)
Ventricular Hypertrophy (Gross&Micros)
Hypertrophy; Pregnant uterus
Prostatic hyperplasia (Gross&Micros)
Cholesterolosis of Gall bladder (Gross&Micros)
Inflammation and Repair Inflammatory cells; Neutrophils Macrophages Lymphocytes Plasma cells
Plasma cells
Inflammation and Repair Acute inflammation; Acute appendicitis (Gross ) Acute cholecystitis (Gross ) Breast abscess (Gross )
Acute appendicitis (Gross )
Acute cholecystitis (Gross )
Breast abscess (Gross )
Inflammation and Repair Chronic cholecystitis ( Micros) Granulation tissue ( Micros) Granulomatous inflammation ( Micros) Keloid (Gross&Micros) Scar contracture (Gross )
Chronic cholecystitis ( Micros)
Granulation tissue ( Micros)
Granulomatous inflammation ( Micros)
Keloid (Gross&Micros)
Hemodynamic disorders
Pitting edema
Pulmonary edema
Hemorrhage Petechiae 1-2 mm Purpura > 3 mm Ecchymoses 1-2 cm Hematoma
Petechial hemorrhage
Hematoma in Cerebral cortex
Shock Acute respiratory distress syndrome (Shock lung) - ARDS Centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis of liver (Shock liver)
ARDS – Shock lung
Hyaline membrane
Shock liver – Nutmeg liver
Thrombosis and Embolism Thrombosis in Hemorrhoid Thrombotic embolism Tumor embolism Amniotic embolism Fat embolism
Thrombosis in Hemorrhoid
Thrombotic embolism in aorta
Tumor embolism
Amniotic embolism Fetal squame cells in pulmonary vessel
Fat embolism Bone marrow in vessel
Infarction Renal infarct Myocardial infarct Hemorrhagic necrosis of small bowel – Gangrene bowel Gangrene of toe
Renal infarct
Myocardial infarct
Gangrene bowel
Gangrene; Small intestine
Wet gangrene of toes
Dry gangrene of fingers
Good Luck