Pathways for Inclusive Green Growth in Cambodia G20 Development Working Group (DWG) workshop on Inclusive green growth 7 July 2013 Moscow, Russia Pathways for Inclusive Green Growth in Cambodia By H.E. Dr. CHHUN Vannak Secretary of State Secretary-General & Member of National Council on Green Growth Ministry of Environment KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA
OUTLINE Concept of Inclusive Green Growth Green Growth Pathways: Cambodia National Green Growth Roadmap; Green Growth Institutionalization; National Policy and Strategy on Green Growth Inclusive Green Growth Implementation Way Forward
I. Concept of Inclusive Green Growth Inclusive green growth is vital to Cambodia’s preservation of natural resources and achievement of its national sustainable development goals. Inclusive green growth in Cambodia is focused on coherently integrating economic growth into comprehensive development of the country with the right balance of environmental sustainability, social progress, poverty alleviation and cultural heritage conservation. Inclusive Green Growth: to ensure the accelerated achievement of sustainable development and poverty eradication of the country.
II. Green Growth Pathways The Green Growth Roadmap lays out seven key priority accesses: Access to water resources management and sanitation Access to food security (agriculture) and non‐chemical products Access to sustainable land‐use Access to renewable energy and energy efficiency Access to information and knowledge Access to means for better mobility Access to finance and investments
II. Green Growth Pathways: Green Growth Institutionalization The Government has established the National Council on Green Growth (NCGG) and the General Secretariat for Green Growth (GSGG), built on the existing National Green Growth Secretariat and Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Green Growth. The NCGG, with the assistance of the GSGG; to decide upon policy, strategy, action plans and programs; GSGG to prepare policy, strategy, action plans, programs and law for the NCGG and coordinate the implementation of green growth.
II. Green Growth Pathways To strike a balance of economic development with environment, society, culture and sustainable use of national natural resources through integration, matching and adaptation, as well as harmonization between the principle of green growth and national policy. To enhance the well-being and livelihood of all people in harmonization with ecological safety through green growth, based on a green economy, a blue economy, environmental protection, a social safety net system, and the upholding of national cultural identity.
II. Green Growth Pathways Green Investment and Green Jobs Creation Green Economy Management in balance with Environment Blue Economy Development with Sustainability Green Environment and Natural Resources Management Human Resources Development and Green Education Effective Green Technology Management Promotion of a Green Social Safety System Uphold and Protection of Green Cultural Heritage and National Identity Good Governance on Green Growth
III. Inclusive Green Growth Implementation The Government’s effective Win-Win Strategy: peace, political stability and macroeconomic stability. Overall stability: GDP growth averaging around 10% per year in 1998-2008; 6%-7% for 2010-2011; 7.3% in 2012. Reducing poverty rate to 20% in 2012 and by 1% per year according to the government’s target. The country exported 0.5 million tons of rice in 2012 & expects to export 1 million tons of rice in 2015. Executing roadmap, green growth policy & strategy. Enhancing multilateral cooperation on IGG: OECD, GGGI, UNEP, UNDESA, UNESCAP, UNDP, ADB, WB
Multilateral Cooperation on Green Growth Cambodia: a Founding Member of the GGGI; Also, Ratified Law on GGGI Agreement in Feb. 2013.
Multilateral Cooperation on Green Growth
IV. Way Forward Raise awareness on inclusive green growth at national and sub-national levels; increase capacity building on IGG. Mobilize domestic financial resources and human resources for the implementation of IGG. Promote balanced integration of economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions into the overall development of Cambodia. Increase green investments through the enhanced public-private partnership. Increase green technology transfer. Need further support from OECD in Cambodia’s IGG.
Thank you for your kind attention. Conclusion Inclusive green growth is a means to achieve sustainable development in Cambodia across economic, environmental, social and cultural dimensions. Enhance implementation of national policy, strategy and programs, following an Inclusive Green Growth approach. Mainstream green growth in NSDP 2013-2018 and in all developmental sectors. Develop indicators and targets in measuring Green Growth performance. Establish Law on Green Growth. Thank you for your kind attention.