The Journey to Wellness For Freeman Employees and our Community 1999 - 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

The Journey to Wellness For Freeman Employees and our Community

Our Story Chapter 1 - The Beginning Chapter 2 - Early Years 1999 – 2006 Chapter 3 - Middle Years 2007 – 2011 Chapter 4 - Later Years to Present Chapter 5 - Community & Corporate Partners Chapter 6 - WellBalance Outcomes & Recognitions Chapter 7 - What Does the Future Hold

The Beginning In 1999 a group of employees volunteered to form the first WellBalance Committee.

Quarterly health screenings were offered to employees and a family member or friend. Incentives were offered quarterly. Participants received points for logging daily activity, nutrition, water intake, etc. Participants who turned in their tracking log at the end of 6 weeks received an incentive gift such as t-shirts, hats, water bottles, pedometers, etc.

Freeman Strides – a voluntary walking program began in –The program was modeled after the national America on the Move program which encourages individuals to move 2000 more steps and cut 100 calories daily. –Employees have logged over 400,000 miles to date. Meltdown – our weight loss competition began in –Approximately 500 employees participate each year. –Average weight loss per year = 2,000 pounds. –Individuals on the winning teams each received visa gift cards valued at $100. Programs were developed to further motivate employees to make lifestyle changes

In 2006, the Freeman wellness coordinator position became full time. Wellness Program available to employees covered under our health insurance plan. Cash rewards given for participation in health screenings and wellness programs. Completion of a health risk assessment was not required. Participation increased from Growth and Incentives

In November of 2008 all Freeman benefit eligible employees (not just those with health insurance) became eligible for rewards To earn a cash reward between $50 - $100 employees were required to complete a health screening and complete a health risk assessment by year’s end Individuals that were at a lower health risk status received $100 and those at a higher risk received $50 Participation increased to 1200

Freeman Family 5K introduced in 2011 Healthy Food in Health Care Pledge signed in 2011 – Freeman first hospital to do so Early Detection Screenings introduced in 2012 –Screenings including peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery/stroke, aortic aneurysm and osteoporosis screenings are available each month –Employees as well as the community may participate –Freeman was recognized for this program with the AHA Fit Friendly Company Innovation Award in 2012 Train2Run and Train2Perform classes introduced in 2013 –Train2Run is a functional strength training program for runners –It is open to Freeman employees and the community –Train2Perform is a functional strength training program for high school athletes –Freeman was recognized for this program with the AHA Fit Friendly Company Innovation Award in 2013 More programs and resources were developed to motivate employees and the community to make healthy lifestyle changes

Freeman Family 5K Starting Line

And They’re Off !

Fun Run Participants


In November of 2011 our financial reward changed from cash to health insurance savings. Employees that participated in Freeman’s Health Insurance plan were eligible to save $10 per pay period for completion of incentive criteria. (Savings of $260 annually) Benefit eligible employees that did not take Freeman’s health insurance were eligible for an annual $50 cash reward. In 2014 and 2015 employees were required to earn 10 to 15 wellness points in addition to completing a health screening and health risk assessment. Participation increased to over 1400

WellBalance Wall of Fame & Wellness Champions In 2011 our WellBalance Wall of Fame was created to recognize employees that had reached personal health and wellness goals. Their stories help to motivate others to take the first step to a healthier lifestyle. In 2014 our Wellness Champions program was created with 32 individuals representing departments across the health system. In 2015 we had 53. The first year that we had our wellness champions in place we saw an increase in participation in our Freeman 5K from 260 to over 600. We credit that to the hard work of these individuals. Wellness champions receive additional wellness points throughout the year for their hard work.

Freeman Community & Corporate Services Exercise and Fitness programs Employer Wellness Group Freeman Advantage Freeman Farmer’s Market Nutrition Counseling On-site Screenings Smoking Cessation Stress Management Weight Loss Management Services offered to build a healthier community and workforce include:

Freeman Community Partners State & National Programs AHA Fit Friendly Company Worksite Wellness Freeman Health Academy – recognized by AHA with community innovation award in 2014 George Washington Carver National Monument - Healthy Parks Healthy People - Walk with a Doc Joplin and Neosho Family YMCAs Livesmart – Jasper and Newton County Health Collaborative - Eat Right – Smoke Free Local Dining Guide - Move More - Maps of over 50 parks and trails in two counties MoCAN & MDHHS WELOCA

Four State Heart Walk Sept 2014

WellBalance Outcomes & Recognitions Overweight/Obese was the primary lifestyle condition by paid amount in February 2014 ∙ Overweight/Obese paid claims decreased by $398K ∙ Coronary Artery Disease paid claims decreased by $294K ∙ Hypertension paid claims decreased by $64K ∙ High Cholesterol paid claims decreased by $28K Preventive Care Services ∙ Nearly 90% of the 1600 that completed the HA last year visit their PCP annually ∙ 88.5% of the 1600 that completed the HA last year take their meds as prescribed Of those at risk for diabetes in 2013, 23% of our comparative (cohort) group of 900 showed improvement WELCOA Well Workplace Gold Award – 2011 AHA Fit Friendly Company Gold Award AHA Fit Friendly Company Platinum Award & 2013 & 2014 AHA Fit Friendly Company Community Innovation Award , 2012, 2013 & 2014

AHA Fit Friendly Company 2015 Platinum & Community Innovation Award

What does the Future Hold? School Based Health Centers - Carl Junction and Neosho Schools Continued Community, State and National Partnerships Mindfulness Based Culture for Employees & Patients

Thank You MoCAN Receiving this recognition and sharing our story has truly been an honor