Grade 6 Ms. Ashley
Week 3Do Now 1 Sunday, September 21st, 2014 Question: Answer the following in complete sentences. 1. What time does the school day end? 2. What is the Speech teacher’s name? 3. What period is Middle School lunch?
Week 3Do Now 2 Tuesday, September 24th, 2014 FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ONLY: 1. TAKE OUT YOUR DO NOW FROM SUNDAY 2. WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE NEW SPEECH PAPER 3. SIT QUIETLY- I will choose quiet students as helpers
Missing Work is hurting your grade Announcement
Materials Check -If you didn’t show me your materials last Sunday, it is a 0 -Names I have… -You may show me today, but I will count 2 late days- it is not my job to chase you for late work.
Do Now Week #2 -Should be on the DO NOW PAPER -MISSING SUNDAY -Everyweek the procedure is to hand it in on Wednesday for both Sunday and Wednesday on the SAME PAPER -I will accept today for minus one day late
Late Policy -Late work is -10 points per day -I do not accept late work after one week after the original due date. -Today is the last day to show me materials because it was originally due LAST SUNDAY
Your Quiz -Complete sentences -Some didn’t read directions (Write 5 things, or 2 things) -Some didn’t answer the right question
Announcement: BINDER CHECK -In one month, I will give you your first binder check for a quiz grade. -Please make sure your binder is organized, that you are keeping notes and handouts in the correct sections.
1- Do Now 2- Weekly Vocabulary 3- Class Notes 4- Speeches/Compositions 5- Portfolio
Due Today
First Speech Assignment You must speak about yourself You must choose two topics from Miss Ashley’s list For each topic you must write three things about yourself You also must include an introduction to say hello to the audience and tell them what you are going to be talking about. At the end you must say why the topics you have chosen are important to you.
Example introduction – Miss Ashley Hello everyone. My name is Miss Ashley. Today I am going to give a speech about myself. I have chosen to talk about my interests and something I have done in my life.
Continue Working on your Speech On a THE SAME piece of paper Look through Miss Ashley’s list and choose a second topic which you are going to talk about. Write three sentences about that topic that you can say in your speech. If you finish early you may start working on your introduction. At the end you must say why the topics you have chosen are important to you.
Exit Ticket For your classwork grade today and exit ticket today, you must draw a picture that shows the four vocabulary words of today. Public Speaking, Speech, Audience, Posture
Let’s go over the answers together
What will we learn this year?
There are two parts to Speech Two Meanings Definition #1 Speech – an essay we say to an audience (public speaking) Definition #2 Speech – the study of the way people talk
Pubic Speaking What is public speaking? Public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners
Speech A speech is a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in front of a group of people; something spoken
Writing a Speech What is a speech? A speech is an essay we read or say in front of a group of people.
Audience An audience is a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play) : the people who attend a performance : the people who watch, read, or listen to something
Posture Posture is the way in which your body is positioned when you are sitting or standing.
Pronunciation The way a person pronounces (says) a Word. The way a Word or language is spoken.
Enunciation to pronounce words or parts of words clearly, articulate.
Introduction The part that serves to introduce anything (book, speech, essay, etc); the beginning
Vowel a letter representing a vowel sound, such as a, e, i, o, u. In speech, open sounds.
Consonant A speech sound that is not a vowel. It also refers to letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds. Examples - Z, B, T, G, and H