1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 1 1 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Royal Automobile Association of Thailand Officials Safety Training Programme May 2014 Communications Chris Hobson Peter Greenhalgh
2 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 2 2 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May
3 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 3 3 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Overview Race control and its function Communications Who with? What with? How? Radio equipment, care and use Radio etiquette and procedure Telephone etiquette and procedure
4 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 4 4 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Outcome For Individuals Communications Know the different forms of communication Know who to communicating with Know how to communicate Know what to communicate Know how to operate and care for communications equipment
6 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 6 6 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Communications centre All aspects of the meeting are controlled from here Senior officials based there throughout the meeting Function of Race Control
7 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 7 7 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Incident Rescue Medics Post Chiefs Medical Centre Timekeepers Circuit Staff Pits Chief Flag Assembly Startline Recovery Scrutineers Race Control Communications Spectators Course Car Paddock Race administration Security Media Race Control
8 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 8 8 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Radio Equipment, Care And Use Radio Plastic Bag Aerial Repeater Headsets Remote Microphones Battery
9 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 9 9 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Communications Radio etiquette and procedure Start of the day Call sign Channel Turn on Check it is working Listen
10 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 10 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Radio Check Control to Alpha 1 radio check Control to all radio users, commencing radio checks in 2 minutes Control from Alpha 1 receiving you loud and clear Control from Alpha 1 receiving you strength 4 ?
11 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 11 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May How To Transmit And Respond Listen before you speak Only speak when it is essential Radio vertical at 90 to your mouth Press and pause Speak slowly and clearly, do not shout! Start with ‘Control from xxxxxxxxxxxx’ Wait for Control to say ‘Go Ahead’ before passing message
12 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 12 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May How To Transmit And Respond “Control from post six” “Go ahead post six” “Control, car five overtook car 4 under waved yellow” “Acknowledged car five overtook car 4 under waved yellows. Control to standby” With modern radios the words “Over” and “out” are not necessary. And we never use the phrase “over and out” With modern radios the words “Over” and “out” are not necessary. And we never use the phrase “over and out”
13 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 13 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Pronunciation (English) Numbers One-ner two-wer three-yer four-rer Fi-fe six-ser seven-ner eight-ter Ni-ner ten-ner 11 = one one eleven 21 = two one twenty one 67 = six seven sixty seven 113 = one one three Letters Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uncle Victor Whisky Xray Yankee Zulu
14 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 14 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Urgency SafetyOverrides all normal calls PriorityOverrides all other messages RelevantRefers to a current conversation between control and a different caller
15 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 15 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Emergencies What do I do in an emergency? Keep calm – let the dust settle Ensure you have the attention of who you wish to communicate with Ensure you have all the available facts about the situation you are reporting on before transmitting
16 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 16 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Emergencies Keep your message brief and precise Tell control what has happened concisely Tell them what you need Ask for a race stop or safety car DO NOT USE THE WORDS RED FLAG Remember there is only one radio channel Must provide CLEAR, CONCISE and COMPLETE information – you are ‘painting the picture’ for Control x
17 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 17 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Emergencies If someone else is transmitting: Do not to transmit over them Use appropriate pro-word Safety Priority Relevant
18 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 18 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May When NOT To Transmit? Another post has a problem Rescue Unit / Fire Truck scramble Middle of someone’s else conversation First racing lap ( Unless urgent)
19 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 19 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Telephone Procedure How do you contact Race Control? Telephone check Think about what you are going to say Listen to operator Pass your message clearly and concisely Tell the operator what you need if emergency Keep within hearing distance of phone if possible
20 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 20 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May Scanners For information only! Not an official means of communication Never act on what you hear on a scanner
21 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 21 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May
22 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme (ASN) (Month & Year) 22 MSA RTP Officials Safety Training Programme RAAT May