What type of voice is persuasive? View as slide show Persuasiveness of voice Adapted from AdPrin.com
Which of the following can you tell from hearing a person’s voice? Typical study: different people read the same script. ___ age? ___ height? ___ appearance? ___ interests? ___ political preferences? ___ personality? ___ values? ___ intelligence? Click for the evidence-based answer. All of the above, but only age can be judged well. However, people make inferences. Use an appropriate voice. Adapted from AdPrin.com Voice tells all? 2
What characteristics of voice are related to persuasiveness? Write your list. When finished, go to the next slide.
Evidence-based findings on voice High persuasion was found with voices that have: 1.Higher pitch 2.Greater variation in pitch 3.Proper inflection 4.Clear pronunciation 5.Good match with the target market 6.Good match with the product (e.g., French accent for food or wine) The evidence, which is limited, is summarized in Persuasive Advertising, pp
Based on this exercise, write a small application step for yourself, and set a deadline, preferably within one week. If you are working with someone else, share your application plan and the results of your application. For example, check the voice used in one of your commercials. To get a good assessment, it is necessary to ask a number of raters to do this independently (and to listen to the voice with the picture off for video TV commercials and webcasts). Adapted from AdPrin.com Application