SOTA Student Occupational Therapy Association
Occupational Therapy RAP
FROM THE SECRETARY…. Make sure you sign in today! There will be 2 service events each month that will count for a point! Let me know if you have any questions
T-SHIRTS!!!! $15 Money due: September 28 th, Next Friday * Please make checks out to Shannon Plunkett* Heather= Chelsea=
Polo Orders! $25 per polo Lots of colors and sizes! September 28 th, next Friday(!).
Monkeys, Otters and Turtles Change of date for 1 st meet and greet! When: Sunday, September 30 th ! Time: 6pm Where: Outside the atrium at HPNP, on Center Drive What: Meet your group, eat pizza and scavenger hunt! * going out after meeting to all that signed up, please put your name on Google Doc if you want pizza!
Service Opportunities: Backpack Awareness Day: Tuesday, September 25 4:30 If interested Kara- Florida Elk’s Family Camp October 5 th -7 th TopSoccer: every Friday! Come tonight at 5:30pm, Jonesville Park
Volunteering to help kids (ages 2-7) in a variety of activities to plan for their Olympic event. Training: Tuesday (Sept 25 th ) or Thursday (Sept 27 th ) from 5:15 to 6:30 [bring signed form and ID] Santa Fe CIED Center 530 West University Avenue, Volunteer Dates: Oct 2 - Dec 1 Time - 5:15-6:30 Tuesdays 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/27 Thursdays 10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/29 Florida Team Cheer's gym 6527 NW 18th Drive, Suite B, Culminating Event -December 1st * Attend at least 5 days Service in our community: Special Olympics
Guest Speaker: Dr. Roxanna Bendixen, Ph.D., OTR/L Service Opportunity in Gainesville Community
O ff T opics?
Arbor House Toiletry Drive MOT students are collecting toiletries to donate to Arbor House, a shelter for homeless, pregnant women that enables women to independence and education. A bin is located on the ground floor of the HPNP. New (or almost new) toiletry items can be dropped off by Friday, October 12 th. Contact Julie Champeau at with questions.
Thank you for coming!