Curtis Arsi 5 th grade health class Nutrition
What is nutrition and why is it so important?? Providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. Major source of energy for body so that organs and other systems of the body can function properly. Aids in human growth Help repair and health damaged tissues and cells
Healthy Eating What is considered to be healthy food? What is the food pyramid? Guideline of what foods should be consumed on a daily basis. Gives daily intake of healthy foods. Help plan own diet regiment.
Food Pyramid Break Down In order from least to most consumption. Oils/ Fats Protein Foods Dairy Fruits & Vegetables Grains
Serving sizes What is a serving size? It is the recommended daily amount of a selected food group for a person Each food group have different serving sizes and are measured in different units. Grains and meats are measured in ounces, Milk, fruits, and vegetables are measured in cups. Daily serving sized vary from person to person depending on a persons physical activity, age, and gender
Oils and Fats Serving size- Use sparingly Some oil and fatty foods Canola oil Olive oil Nuts Butter Beef, Chicken, and Pork fat Shortening
Protein 2-3 servings daily (4oz. One serving) Foods that are high in protein Beef Poultry Fish Pork Beans and peas Eggs Nuts and seeds
Dairy Minimum of 3 servings daily Types of dairy foods Milk Cheese Yogurt Pudding Ice Cream
Fruits and Vegetables Minimum 5-6 serving daily Vegetables Carrots Lettuce Broccoli Mushrooms Potatoes Pumpkins Fruits Strawberries Bananas Apples Pineapple
Grains Daily Servings 6-7 Grain foods Whole-wheat flour Oatmeal Brown rice White rice Bread Pasta
Vitamins & Minerals Helps maintain homeostasis in the body Many different kinds of vitamins and minerals Vitamins are classified as macronutrients Minerals are classified as micronutrients
Different kinds of Vitamins and Minerals
Fibers Soluble Fibers- Dissolves in water, lower cholesterol and delays stomach emptying time so that sugar is absorbed Can be found in foods like oats, legumes (beans, peas, and soybeans), apples, bananas, berries, barely, some vegetables, and psylluim Insoluble Fibers- increases movement of material through digestive tract and stool bulk. Can be found in whole wheat foods, nuts, seeds, and skin of some fruits and vegetables
Food Labels Serving size & Calories Nutrition Value Vitamins & Minerals Ingredients
Water An essential liquid for the human body Responsible to 60% of body weight Water aids in the function of every system in the body. Humans should consume 8 to 9 cups of water daily People who are physically active lose water faster and must consumer more then the daily recommendations.
Physical Activity (Children & Adolescents) Recommended physical activity for ages 6-17 is 1 hour every day Improves cardiorespiratory endurance and muscular fitness Favorable body composition Improved bone health Improved cardiovascular and metabolic health biomarkers Reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression
Physical Activity (Adults) 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity Muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups performed on 2 or more days per week. Results in Lower risk of: Early death Heart disease Stroke Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Adverse blood lipid profile Metabolic syndrome Colon and breast cancers Prevention of weight gain Weight loss when combined with diet
Calorie consumption Energy received from food are calories The number of calories that a person consumes are based on many factors: Age, sex, size, activity level, whether or not you are a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, whether you have a chronic illness The National Academy of Sciences recommends the following calorie categories: 1,600 calories - Many sedentary women and some older adults 2,200 calories - Children, teenage girls, active women and many sedentary men. Women who are pregnant may need around 500 calories more per day and an additional 300 calories for breast-feeding. 2,800 calories - Teenage boys, active men and very active women
Physical Activity and Nutrition People like athletes must consume more calories and certain types of food This will enable them to reach there full ability during play Professional athletes may have a nutritionist to help them each not just the proper food but the proper amount of food. &feature=related What am I going to eat for dinner tonight?