The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries: LibX a Case Study Kyrille Goldbeck College Librarian for Natural Resources LOEX MAY 2007 Uncharted Waters
People not only socialize online, but they also incorporate the internet into their quest for information and advice as they seek help and make decisions. - Pew Internet & American Life Project The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
OCLC Report: 87% of college students have visited a college library 57% of college students have visited a college librarys website The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Where do students say they will begin their research? 72% search engine 10% library website In reality… 89% begin with search engines 2% start with the librarys website The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
WHY??? The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Search engines Simple interface Can find a wide range of sources about topic in one search 56% total respondents have very favorable impression (OCLC Report) Over 50% undergrads found the internet more efficient in finding information than searching the library (DEsposito & Gardner) The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Library websites Librarys resources have complex interfaces Hard to determine where to begin Trouble knowing which resources are best to use 17% total respondents had very favorable impression (OCLC Report) The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Joan Lippincott: Libraries need to find ways to make their information access systems more approachable by students... The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
LibX Is a versatile tool Is customizable for each library (editions) Allows users to instantly search their librarys collections with one click of their mouse Saves users time throughout the research process The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
What LibX Provides Direct Access to OPAC(s) Integrated toolbar Smart context menu Direct access to OpenURL resolver to find appropriate copy Directly via toolbar or indirectly through Google Scholar Localization Research companion that hints at library resources Support for COinS How does LibX work? The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Toolbar option The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Context Menu The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Visual Cues The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Is LibX effective? The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Marketing The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Marketing Basics The Four Ps: PRODUCT PRICE POSITION PROMOTION = Development of the Marketing Plan The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Developing a Marketing Plan First: Identify what needs to be accomplished Establish 1 – 2 focused & measurable goals Second: Determine your audience Create a well-defined message Find a distribution method Repeatedly send the message, use a variety of formats The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
All marketing efforts achieve more efficient and effective results when they are directed toward smaller subsets of a larger market - Dimick It costs one-sixth as much to market to an existing customer as to a non-customer - Levinson The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Word of Mouth influences a variety of conditions: Awareness Expectations Perceptions Attitudes Behavioural intentions Behaviour - Buttle The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
What we need to remember to do: Take the time to create relationships with users Listen to users needs Adapt to users needs Market the products/services that meet those needs The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
How have we promoted LibX to: Other Institutions Our Users The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Promotion of LibX to Institutions: Word of Mouth Conferences Institutions/universities Association meetings WOM sparked discussions of LibX throughout the library community The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Promotional tools: Website ( LibX & LibX Business cards Future ideas: Mugs T-shirts Pens LibX Conference The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Using Instructional Methods to Promote LibX to our Users Word of Mouth Getting faculty on board Instructional sessions General library introduction Subject-specific bibliographic instruction sessions Learn how to use… Graduate Library Research Skills course Online tutorials The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Address learning styles Visual Auditory Textual (note-takes, reflective learners) Tactile The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Online tutorials Static web page Lecture-style tutorial Interactive tutorial The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Outcomes of the Marketing and Instruction Plans for LibX 47 Live library editions U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia 11,900+ editions have been downloaded by users 85 Test library editions Recipient of the 2007 LITA/Brett Butler Entrepreneurship Award The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Future Plans for LibX Use of 2006 IMLS grant to Develop Internet Explorer (IE) version of LibX Allow libraries to create and maintain their own LibX editions Enhance features of LibX (allow users to customize context menus) The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Further research from the LibX Team: Conducting usability studies Determining best practices of Instructional tools and formats Promotional and marketing techniques The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries
Questions? LibX Team: Annette Bailey Nathan Baker Dr. Godmar Back Mike Doyle Kyrille Goldbeck Robert Ellis Tilottama Gaat The Marketing and Instruction of New Tools for Libraries