Millennium AJAX Annette Bailey University Libraries Virginia Tech
2 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Library 2.0 LibXTaggingBlogsWikisMashups RSS feeds Faceted browsing User reviews
3 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Mashups Are hybrid web applications that combine information drawn from various web sources Simple example: A library web page that includes a news feed
4 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Mashup Example Library Homepage Latest Library News Items
5 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Mashup Sources RSS Feeds Webservices, e.g. Google API, Amazon API How can the III Millennium system become an information source for mashups? Thats where MAJAX comes in
6 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Overview Millennium AJAX is software that allows mixing catalog data into web pages Freely available from VT Simple to install & use No III support required No plug-in for users to install
7 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 New Books List Library publishes a list of newly acquired books every month We would like to include up-to-the-minute holdings information in this list
New Books List Demo
9 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 New Books List
10 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Millennium AJAX Asynchronous Query the catalog without the user having to wait JavaScript Run in clients browser to construct page content And XML (Really HTML) – comes from a web service: here, Millenniums MARC display
11 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Screen Scraping MARC
Course Page Demo A professor wants to offer a list of books on his course page, along with full bibliographic and up-to- the-minute holdings information about each book
13 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Course Page Demo Screen Shot
14 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Installing & Using MAJAX To install MAJAX at your institution, upload two files to your catalogs /screens directory: majax.js majax.html To use MAJAX in web pages include tag once include tags wherever library catalog information should be inserted
15 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Course Page HTML <script type="text/javascript" src=" <script type="text/javascript" src=" <span title="i " class="majax-harvard-reference majax-newline majax-ebook"> <span title="i " class="majax-showholdings majax-linktocatalog"> <span title="i " class="majax-harvard-reference majax-newline majax-ebook"> <span title="i " class="majax-showholdings majax-linktocatalog">
16 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Identifiers IDENTIFIER can refer to ISBN, Bibrecord #, or Book Title ISBN i i X Bibrecord.b.b Title t tfreakonomics
17 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Classes Holdings Related majax-showholdings majax-showholdings-brief majax-showholdings-div majax-ebook Bibliographic Information majax-marc-??? majax-marc-???-? majax-harvard-reference majax-endnote majax-endnote-switch majax-endnote-import Miscellaneous majax-syndetics-* majax-linktocatalog majax-reportfailure majax-newline majax-space
18 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Examples (1) MAJAX classMAJAX output majax-harvard-referenceLevitt, Steven D., Dubner, Stephen J., 2005, Freakonomics : a rogue economist explores the hidden side of everything / 1st ed., New York, William Morrow, xii, 242 p. ; majax-showholdings-divCopy 1: available Copy 2: due Copy 3: due majax-marc-050HB74.P8 L
19 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 MAJAX Examples (2) MAJAX classMAJAX output majax-ebook[Electronic Book] majax-marc-050 majax-linktocatalog HB74.P8 L majax-syndetics-vtech
WebBridge Demo
21 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 WebBridge Example (1) majax resource 1 majax resource 2 majax resource 3
22 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 WebBridge Example (2) majax resource 1 majax resource 2 majax resource 3
23 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Install & Use MAJAX Add tag to resserv_panel.html WebBridge Management interface Create 1 or more resources Associate hasISBN or hasTitle data tests Embed tags in Link Display field
24 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Performance MAJAX imposes additional load on your server Currently self-limiting to 20 requests per second per page, which can be changed. To turn MAJAX capabilities off, simply remove majax.html & majax.js from the /screens directory.
25 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Limitations MAJAX works only on web pages from within the same domain as your Millennium system If Millennium runs on, MAJAX can be used on all pages in * Ok Ok Not Ok MAJAX only works on Internet Explorer 6.x and up and Firefox browsers Will fail silently on other browsers
26 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Summary MAJAX provides the ability to include live catalog information in any webpage on your domain Without special server access or support Without requiring end users to install any plug-ins It is easy to use, requiring only HTML skills Free!
27 MAJAX - Annette BaileyMay 16, 2007 Acknowledgements Dr. Godmar Back Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Questions? Thank you!