University of Oslo Institutional mapping of main activities in global health research 44 full time academicians 56 PhD students 43 master students
Activities Collaborative research programs Collaborative research capacity building Concerted actions and major projects International post graduate training New activities Strategy?
Collaborative research projects School of Pharmacy Medicinal plants in Mali. National Institute of Health, Bamako NUFU, 5 mill NOK 5 PhDs, 12 masters Department of Phsychology HIV+ women in RSA, War trauma Bosnia, Aids orphans in RSA Un. of the North, Un. Of Tuzla NRC, NUFU, 0.7 mill NOK
Collaborative research projects, cont. Dept. General Practice and Com. Med. Enteric infections and drug policy, Vietnam Child lung health, Malawi Mental health, Cambodia Epidemiology, Palestine Health system, elderly, disability, minorities, Botswana Health system, Tibet Norwegian Inst. for Public Health Meningococcal vaccine development, Ethiopia
Collaborative research capacity building Department of Informatics Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) Un. Of Western Cape, Inst. Gen. Pract. & Com. Med. Spread to: Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, India, Mongolia, Vietnam -> 17 PhD, 15 masters Norad, NUFU, NRC, 2.25 mill.NOK Dept. of Gen. Pract. & Com. Health Agriculture-nutrition-health in Malawi NUFU project in collaboration with University of Malawi and Agricultural University of Norway, Ås
Concerted actions and major projects GLOBINF (Global Infections) ”Priority Research Area” at Medical faculty since -02 Adm. From Department of Nutrition Research 1. HIV/Aids: vaccine development, prevention, MTCT 2. TB: vaccine, new diagn. tools, math. Modelling 3. Meningitis: vaccine, immunoepidemiology 4. Health Service Research: strategies and impl. Total involved: 85 EU, NRC, NUFU, UiO: 12 mill NOK
Concerted actions and major projects, cont. Dept. Gen. Pract. & Com. Med. Diabetes Type 2, EU, 20 partners TB in the 21st Century, NRC, 11 partners Dept. of Nutrition Res. Right to Food, MoFa (NRC), 5 partners + glob. network Adolescent HIV/Aids prevention, EU, NUFU, 8 partners
International post graduate training Dept. Gen. Pract. & Com. Med. M. Phil. International Community Health (66 since -01) PhD (8 since -01) Collaboration with other units/institutions Student -> Home institution -> Collaborative programs Other departments at UiO About 50 PhDs, 20 masters from abroad working on global health related issues
New activities Dept. of Chemistry New drugs development, TB, NRC 1 mill NOK Dept. of Health Management and Health Economics Health insurence reform, China, Dir. of Health
Strategy? Dual interest/benefit Equal terms Starting with persons Trust takes time Non-exclusiveness in cooperation Empowerment