UNDP RBA MDG Based National Development Planning Workshop Incorporating Gender Across All Sectors UN Millennium Project February 27-March 3, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

UNDP RBA MDG Based National Development Planning Workshop Incorporating Gender Across All Sectors UN Millennium Project February 27-March 3, 2006

Agenda Objectives and framework Gender specific interventions covered in other sector needs assessments Complementary gender needs assessment

Why Do A Gender Needs Assessment? TO MAKE GENDER POLICIES OPERATIONAL Estimation of resources needed to implement comprehensive gender interventions across multiple sectors Advocacy tool to ensure appropriate gender interventions are included and budgeted for across all other sectors during budget formulation/PRSP discussions Monitoring tool to ensure implementation of programs to address issues of gender inequality against quantifiable targets

Operationalizing MDG 3 on Gender Equality Link actions to goal 3 Integrate gender interventions into sector needs assessment Conduct needs assessment for cross-cutting gender needs Situate the needs assessment within a gender strategy Convert into a program with the budget, deliverables and measurable outcomes

Seven Strategic Priorities to meet MDG3 on Gender Equality 1.Strengthen opportunities for girls post primary education 2.Increase access to sexual and reproductive health rights and services 3.Invest in infrastructure to reduce womens time burden 4.Guarantee inheritance and property rights 5.Eliminate inequalities in employment 6.Increase share of seats in national and local governments 7.Significantly reduce violence against girls and women

Mapping 7 Priorities to Other Needs Assessments Strengthen opportunities for girls post primary education Education Increase access to sexual and reproductive health rights and services Partially covered in health Invest in infrastructure to reduce womens time burden Rural and urban development Guarantee inheritance and property rights Eliminate inequalities in employment Partially covered in rural and urban development Increase share of seats in national and local governments Significantly reduce violence against girls and women

Integrating Gender Requires 2 Approaches Total Gender Needs Gender interventions in other needs assessments Specific interventions not covered elsewhere

Agenda Objectives and framework Gender specific interventions covered in other sector needs assessments Complementary gender needs assessment

Integrating Gender In Other Needs Assessments Gender interventions In other needs assessments Total Gender Needs Rural development Urban development Health Education Environment

Key Gender Interventions In Other Needs Assessments (1)

Key Gender Interventions In Other Needs Assessments (2)

Key Gender Interventions In Other Needs Assessments (3)

Agenda Objectives and framework Gender specific interventions covered in other sector needs assessments Complementary gender needs assessment

Complementary Gender Needs Assessment Total Gender Needs Building Awareness Economic Participation Political Participation Ending violence against women Systemic Issues

1. Important Interventions for Gender Needs Assessment

2. Set Operational Targets Set intermediate and 2015 targets for coverage in each intervention Set targets to cover both men and women Specific targets should be based on best estimates of demographic projections

3. Calculate Resource Needs Country demographic data Costs per beneficiary TOTAL NEEDS Target Population Target coverage rates Cost components for key interventions Human resource requirements for key interventions Human resource per beneficiary

4. Check Results- Example From Tajikistan

A Checklist For Integrating Gender Does the PRS have clear targets for Goal 3? Do the programs for each sector have clear interventions and coverage targets to reach women? Are there specific programs not covered by other sectors in the PRS? Do the gender programs have annual budgets in line with the needs? Is there a strategy for strengthening capacity to implement gender interventions and policies at scale?