Implementing Nutritional Care Guidelines Sharon Patton Letterkenny General Hospital
Content What is good nutritional care? Who should be involved? Where are we now? What have we done? What next?
What is good nutritional care? Council of Europe Resolution 2003 Wales – Nutrition and Catering Framework, 2002 Scotland – Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care in Hospitals, 2003 England – Essence of Care 2004 N Ireland – Get your 10 a day, 2007
Ireland Food and Nutritional Care in Hospitals – Guidelines for Preventing Under-Nutrition in Acute Hospitals, 2009
Guidelines on: Hospital Food Food service practices Under-nutrition in hospitals Nutritional care providers Health economics
Who should be involved? Nutrition Steering Committee Dietitians Catering Managers Physician Nursing Senior Management Pharmacy Speech & Language Therapy Occupational Therapy
Where are we now? Benchmarking Audit Standard not met and no work currently in progress Standard partially met or work in progress Standard met
Where are we now? Benchmarking Audit Standard not met and no work currently in progress – 11% Standard partially met or work in progress – 56% Standard met – 33%
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What have we done? Patient Eating the Food Food Distribution Food serving & ambience Screening and Monitoring Appropriate menuFood Preparation
What Next? Priority actions from Benchmark Audit Nutritional Analysis of Menus Protected Mealtimes
Right Patient, Right Meal, Right Time, Every Time