Disability in Displacement – UNHCR’s Approach 3 rd Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD New York, September 3, 2010
2 Background – Disability in Displacement There are over 40 million displaced persons worldwide. WHO estimate: 10% of the global population lives with a disability. Impairment and disabilities caused by physical violence can increase in displacement due to conflict Overall, persons with disabilities have the same protection risks as other refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) - HOWEVER, due to their disability, there is a heightened risk Often, persons with disabilities remain invisible in both urban and camp situations
3 Challenges Difficulties in accessing asylum, registration & protection Marginalization, neglect, psychological and physical abuse including sexual and gender based violence Exclusion from access to mainstream services and lack of specialized assistance Lack of opportunities for education, including special education and skills training Obstacles to durable solutions, including return, local integration and resettlement Limited awareness among staff & partners
4 UNHCR’s Responses 1.Policy directives and accountability 2.Provision of targeted assistance 3.Capacity building and change in attitude of staff and partners 4.Individual identification, registration and needs management 5.Promoting access to national support systems
5 1) Policy Directives and Accountability Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming (AGDM) - annual participatory assessments - focus group discussions with disabled groups - accountability framework for senior managers Executive Committee Conclusion on the protection of persons with disabilities (under consideration) UNHCR Policy on the Employment of Persons with Disabilities
6 2) Targeted Assistance- Examples (1) Syria - Outreach through community volunteers Provision of Psycho-social care Financial assistance through ATM cards Community volunteers - Conduct home visits - Provide moral, material and social support - Support access to health and social services Community outreach volunteers
7 Yemen- Working with Specialized Partners Provision of services through partners and support of local organizations Special education and transport to schools Community-based rehabilitation to integrate children with disabilities into communities and local schools Mental health mainstreamed in primary healthcare centres Targeted Assistance (2)
8 Targeted Assistance (3) Central African Republic- Self Help Groups Support to self-help groups and organizations of persons with disabilities Advocacy and awareness programmes Access to livelihood opportunities
9 3) Capacity building and change of attitude of staff and partners Development of a global online staff learning programme for UNHCR field staff, including modules on persons with disabilities In-country sensitization programmes Global application of AGDM Accountability Framework
10 4) Individual Identification, Registration and Needs Management Individual registration of all disabled in displacement Use of Heightened Risk Identification Tool (HRIT) for identifying persons with disabilities Individual case management and referral to specialized partners Support of community structures for rehabilitation
11 5) Promoting Access to National Support Systems Inclusion of the perspective of displaced persons with disabilities in the Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG) for the CRPD Engage government and civil society partners in annual AGDM assessment Support national NGOs with specialisation in care for disabled
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