Careers in Rehabilitative Health Care Health care workers in rehabilitative careers provide services designed to overcome physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional disabilities These disabilities include impaired muscle strength, physical endurance, sensory or muscle coordination, and spatial discrimination A rehabilitation team works closely with patient and family members
Physical Therapist (PT) Education – Master’s degree preferred – Licensure by state Functions – Restores function, relieves pain, and prevents disability following disease, injury, or loss of a body part Specialties in physical therapy include: – Rehabilitation – Sports – Research – Education
Massage Therapist Education – 3 mo to 1 yr accredited program – Certification, registration or licensure required in many states Functions: – use massage, manipulation or application of pressure and therapeutic touch to muscles to provide pain relief, improve circulation, and relieve stress/tension Some are entrepreneurs
Orthotist and Prosthetist Certified orthotist (CO) – Provides services for clients with disabling conditions of the limbs or spine – Designs, fabricates, and fits braces or strengthening apparatus Certified prosthetist (CP) – Provides care to clients with partial or total absence of a limb and who use an artificial limb (prosthesis)
Occupational Therapist Occupational therapist (OT) (OTR) (registered) – Helps clients reach the highest level of independent living by overcoming physical injury, birth defects, aging, or emotional and developmental problems Occupational therapy assistant (OTA); (COTA) (certified) – Work under guidance of the OT; Instructs and assists clients to perform ADLs
Athletic Trainer (ATC) (certified) Education – 4-year college or university program, including a minimum of an 1800-hour internship over 2 years - licensure required in some states Functions – Works under the supervision of the team physician in a variety of amateur and professional sports and other settings – Prevents injury as well as performs emergency treatment – Uses methods that include corrective exercise, conditioning, rehabilitation, and nutrition counseling
Pharmacist Education – Minimum of 5 years of college – Bachelor of science in pharmacology (BS Pharm) or doctor of pharmacology (PharmD) Functions – Mixes and dispenses drugs according to prescriptions written by physicians, veterinarians, dentists, and other authorized professionals – Provides information to the consumer about side effects of medications, food and drug interactions, dosing schedules, and health care supplies
Pharmacy Support Personnel Pharmacy technician – Assists the pharmacist in processing prescriptions and distribution of medication Pharmacy helper/assistant – Assists the pharmacist by waiting on clients and maintaining the inventory of supplies under the direction of the pharmacist and technician Pharmaceutical industry worker – Produces medicines, remedies, nutritional supplements, and health care products
Speech and Language Pathologist Speech and language pathologist – Provides evaluation, treatment, and research in communication and related disorders – Diagnoses language problems and treat disorders such as delayed language, aphasia, stuttering, and articulation problems Audiologist – Specializes in prevention, identification, assessment, and rehabilitation of hearing disorders
Respiratory Therapist Respiratory therapist (RT); (RRT) (registered) – Evaluates the client to administer respiratory care and operates life-support equipment under the supervision of a physician – Performs oxygen administration, incentive spirometry, tracheotomy care, and mechanical ventilation Respiratory therapy technician (RTT); (CRTT) (certified) – Administers routine respiratory care under the supervision of a therapist
Recreation Therapist Recreation therapist (TR); Certified therapeutic recreation specialist (CTRS) – Use recreation and leisure activities to minimize patient symptoms and improve physical and emotional well being. Activites are directed toward gaining independence, building self confidence, and relieving anxiety Recreation therapy assistants/Activity Directors – work under the supervision of a recreational therapist or other health care professional
Art, Music, Dance Therapist Education – Bachelors or Masters degree - registration or certification Functions: – Use the arts to help clients deal with social, physical, or emotional problems – Usually work with individuals who are emotionally disturbed, mentally challenged, or physically disabled
Other Rehabilitative Personnel Dialysis technician –Educational requirements vary with states, some require a RN or LPN license and state approved dialysis training; others 1-2 yr HOE dialysis program or associates degree with certification –Operate the hemodialysis machines Perfusionist / Extracorporeal circulation technician (CCP) –Bachelors and specialized training with supervised clinical experience; licensure required in some states; certification available –Operate the heart-lung machine used in bypass surgery