Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 1: How to Meet the MDGs May 9-12, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 1: How to Meet the MDGs May 9-12, 2005

2 Workshop Goals After completing this workshop participants will be able to –Set up the process for preparing MDG-based poverty reduction strategy –Carry out MDG needs assessments –Train colleagues in government and UNCT in needs assessment approach

3 Agenda Overview Millennium Project Can the MDGs be achieved? What can countries do to achieve the MDGs? The MD+5 Summit in September

4 Overview of the Millennium Project Mission: –To put forward the best strategies for achieving the MDGs by 2015 and advise on their implementation Structure: Advisory body to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan All reports submitted to SG on 17 January 2005, available online at Directed by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to the Secretary-General on the MDGs Bulk of work was performed by 10 thematically-oriented Task Forces of experts and leading practitioners Secretariat housed at UNDP

5 Agenda Overview Millennium Project Can the MDGs be achieved? What can countries do to achieve the MDGs? The MD+5 Summit in September

6 Meeting the MDGs requires several types of necessary inputs Broad-based public investments in people, infrastructure, and environmental management Sound policies and governance including good economic management Improved access to international trade (makes an important but small contribution for low-income countries) MDGs are achievable, but only just There is no magic bullet – each input is necessary Many countries are well governed but cannot afford the public investments necessary for growth These integrated investments need to be planned over the long-term

7 Africas Special Needs: look beyond standard diagnosis of poor governance Africa faces many structural constraints, e.g.: High disease burden (e.g. malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB) High dependence on low-productivity rainfed agriculture Poor infrastructure & few navigable rivers Small internal market size Low population density Population living far from the coast Governance is important but not the only issue in Africa Each of these constraints can be overcome through targeted public investments Trade plays an important role, but is not the only solution

8 Financial implications of meeting the MDGs Typical low-income country needs: $110 p.c. per year through to 2015 Domestic resource mobilization comprises household contributions and government expenditures To meet the MDGs countries need more aid and debt relief since domestic resource mobilization is insufficient Macroeconomic stability can be maintained if aid is predictable, grants-based and coupled with adequate debt relief At the global level MDGs are affordable within existing commitments (e.g. 0.7% target): –0.44% of rich countries GNI in 2006 –0.54% of rich countries GNI in 2015

9 Agenda Overview Millennium Project Can the MDGs be achieved? What can countries do to achieve the MDGs? The MD+5 Summit in September

10 Adopting a goal-oriented approach Development practice needs to flip the question: FROM How close can we get to the MDGs under the current constraints? TOWhat will it take to achieve the MDGs? A key question is how to plan public investments in people, infrastructure, and the environment Countries should adopt development strategies ambitious enough to achieve the MDGs (or MDG-based poverty reduction strategies)

11 Principles of MDG-based Poverty Reduction Strategies Typical PRS today MDG-based PRS PRS aligned with MDG needs assessment MDG MDG Base Year Target Deadline slow/no progress to date YEAR MDG target Level of MDG progress Scaled-up plans to achieve the MDGs based on country needs assessments 2015 Goals guide the PRS accelerated progress through PRS YEAR ? MDG MDG Base Year Target Deadline slow/no progress to date MDG target Level of MDG progress Implied (but uncertain) trajectory still falls far short of MDGs

12 What is an MDG-based poverty reduction strategy? 1. Ambition 2. Scope 3. Rigor 4. Timeline 5. Financing

13 Integrated strategies are required Gender equality Education Health systems (including sexual and reproductive health) Agricultural productivity Water supply, sanitation, and water resources management Energy Transport Environmental management Slum upgrading and urban planning Trade facilitation Science, technology, and innovation Regional infrastructure Etc.

14 Agenda Overview Millennium Project Can the MDGs be achieved? What can countries do to achieve the MDGs? The MD+5 Summit in September

15 September summit focuses on four key areas Freedom from want (development) Freedom from fear (security) Freedom to live in dignity (human rights) Strengthening the United Nations

16 Key recommendations for development in the Secretary-Generals report 2005 must become the breakthrough year for development if the MDGs are to be achieved All countries develop MDG-based poverty reduction strategies with support from UN Countries that have MDG-based PRSs should receive adequate support from development partners Those that do not have the capacity to do on their ownso should be assisted by the UNCT to prepare their strategies Launch a series of Quick Wins Donors agree to timetable for achieving 0.7 percent before 2015 –5 donors have already achieved 0.7 percent –7 more have committed to timelines before 2015 Completion of Doha trade round in 2006