1 Strengthening Country Actions to Improve Infant and Young Child Nutrition - Experience from GAIN’s IYCN program Oct 7, 2008
Harness and assess market based approaches to serve lower middle income and poor children Inc. high quality, low cost CF products in market Public-private partnerships Increase availability of high quality products for use in gov’t/NGO programs Improve feeding practices through social marketing, behavior change
3 Fortified complementary foods: the entry point around which other guidelines are promoted Use of fortified foods or food supplements
4 2. Increased availability/ access to high quality, low cost products Fortified blended cereals Fortified complementary food supplements Micronutrient powders
2. Enhanced commercial distribution: Market Assessment Surveys: China and India Purpose: Obtain indication of purchase intent and feeding practices of CFs
3. Increased demand for IYCN products and improved practices China: Plan is for health workers to encourage use of Ying Yang Bao from 6-24 mo. Advice will be written into child health card at each well baby visit and pamphlets distributed to mothers.
Increased demand for IYCN products and improved practices Micronutrient Powder
Increased demand for IYCN products and improved practices The product distributed through pharmacy outlets in both urban and rural areas. SMC’s social franchised Blue Star outlets (3,200 members) will act as prescribers, retailers, and advocates of this product.