1 A Comprehensive Review of the Uganda National Development Strategy (PEAP)* by Wilson Turinawe Blasio Musisi Johnson Nkuuhe Alexander Aboagye UNDP RBA MDG-Based National Development Planning Training Workshop, Dar, Tz, 27 February – 3 March 2006 * PEAP = Poverty Eradication Action Plan (equivalent of PRSP)
2 1. Ambition of Ugandas PEAP MDGsPEAP goalsMore (+ ); Less (-); Equal (=) or Not comparable (NC) 1. Eradicate poverty & hunger Reduce the incidence of poverty from 56% to 38% then to 10% by UPE (1 goal) UPE enrolment to 98%by 2003 Adult literacy 85% by NC 3. Gender equality Female enrolment in tertiary education to 40% of total by 2003 Increase the proportion of women among decision makers - NC
3 1. Ambition of Ugandas PEAP (2) MDGsPEAP goalsMore (+ ); Less (-) Equal (=) or Not comparable (NC) 4. Reduce child mortality Reduce infant to 68/1000 by 2005 Reduce the under 5 MR to 103/1000 by =-= 5. Improve maternal mortality Reduce the MMR to 354/100,000 by 2005 Increase the proportion of birth attended by skilled health personnel to 45% by 2004/
4 1. Ambition of Ugandas PEAP (3) MDGsPEAP goalsMore (+ ); Less (-) Equal (=) or Not comparable (NC) 6. Combat HIV/AIDS/Malaria Reduce the antenatal HIV/AIDS prevalence rate to 5% by 2005 Increase the contraceptive prevalence rate to 30% by NC 7. Ensure environmental sustainability Ensure that 65% of the population have access to clean and safe drinking water in 2005 and 100% in 2005 Ensure that 80% of the urban popn have access to C & S water in 2005 and 100%
5 PEAP and MDGs: PEAP pillars explained 1 – Economic Management 2 – Enhancing Production, competitiveness and income 3 - Security, conflict resolution and disaster management 4 - Good governance (Justice, law and order, democratization, public sector management) 5 - Human development (Health, education, water & sanitation, social development) * PEAP = Poverty Eradication Action Plan (equivalent of PRSP)
6 2. Scope Investment clusters: comparison between Ugandas PEAP and MDGs MDGsPEAPComment Pillar 1PEAP emphasis on macro-economic management 1. Rural developmentPillars 1 & 2 2. Urban developmentSparsely mentioned in he document The sector is under stated under housing 3. EducationPillar 5Human development 4. Health (CMR, MMR, HIV, TB, Malaria) Pillar 5 5. GenderPillar 5, seen as cross- cutting Gender means men, women, persons with disability 6. EnvironmentPillar 2 7. Science and TechnologyPillar 2PEAP funds for innovation, but not implementation and up-scaling 8. Cross-national infrastructurePillar 2Major focus is in-country, only rail is cross-national 9. Public managementPillar 4
7 3. Rigor of Ugandas PEAP Plan rigorous in some aspects, but not in others. Examples: free bed nets for 4 m pregnant women; increase of per capita expenditure on drugs from $ 1.2 per capita to $2.5, Analysis rigorous in the following sectors: Education (especially primary education) see Table 7.1 page 155 of the PEAP document) Health (see Table 7.5 page 167) Water and sanitation (especially the water component) (See Figure 7.1 page 169) Works, housing and communication (infrastructure) Not rigorous enough in remaining sectors
8 4. Timeframe Ugandas PEAP is a 3-year rolling planning framework. Does not relate to Vision 2025, which is being transformed into Vision Not aligned to MDGs and it is not consistent with short- long term goals and Vision This is the last PEAP under Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. The next PEAP will be under the National Planning Authority, and it will be aligned to Vision 2035, cascaded into three 10-year strategic plans each with two- 5year development.
9 5. Costing of Ugandas PEAP Sectors with investment plans have costed them, e.g.: $ 951 million for rural water for ; about $ 481 million for urban water development; Most interventions are not costed and budgeting is not aligned to the MDGs- based assessment.
10 Challenges in Uganda Timeframe looks too short Financial and human resources Resistance from MTEF implementing institutions. Lack of enthusiasm and cooperation from other stakeholders. Resistance based on not understanding the distinction between MDG-based planning and PRSP /PEAP
11 Expectations Resource persons Financial resources Assistance with high level negotiations – At NY, regional and national levels – With Donors, the UN system, bureaucrats, CSO Assistance with coordination
12 This process needs determination, Fortunately Uganda has lots of it!
13 A Comprehensive Review of the Uganda National Development Strategy (PEAP)* by Wilson Turinawe Blasio Musisi Johnson Nkuuhe Alexander Aboagye Thank you, may God bless your journey