1. Status of national planning process VISION 2020 exists as the long term development framework for the country to be operationalised through 3 MTP cycles VISION 2020 exists as the long term development framework for the country to be operationalised through 3 MTP cycles First Draft of a 5 year second generation PRSP/ ( ) synchronized with Medium Term Plan (MTP): First Draft of a 5 year second generation PRSP/ ( ) synchronized with Medium Term Plan (MTP): Final scheduled for end of March,Final scheduled for end of March, Approval by cabinet and parliament scheduled for June andApproval by cabinet and parliament scheduled for June and Donor round table for October but doubtful as there will be general elections in OctoberDonor round table for October but doubtful as there will be general elections in October MTEF for the period 2005 – 2008 available, but needs to be aligned with the PRSP in the next budget cycle starting January MTEF for the period 2005 – 2008 available, but needs to be aligned with the PRSP in the next budget cycle starting January Prioritizing PRSP sector investments programmes. Prioritizing PRSP sector investments programmes. Set up and operationalise a National Planning Commission (NPC) by January 2007 and nucleus of the NPC secretariat to become operational by July Set up and operationalise a National Planning Commission (NPC) by January 2007 and nucleus of the NPC secretariat to become operational by July 2006.
2. Next steps for costing the MDGs Request for funds to support the MDG Needs Assessment made through UNDP. Request for funds to support the MDG Needs Assessment made through UNDP. Using the localized MDG report 2005, efforts underway to carry out diagnostic and identification of interventions necessary to meet the MDG targets: Using the localized MDG report 2005, efforts underway to carry out diagnostic and identification of interventions necessary to meet the MDG targets: March 2006: Launch MDG Needs Assessment Exercise. March 2006: Launch MDG Needs Assessment Exercise. April 2006 :Training of Trainers April 2006 :Training of Trainers April – June 2006: Diagnosticis and identification of intervention programmes. April – June 2006: Diagnosticis and identification of intervention programmes. July – August 2006: Costing intervention programmes July – August 2006: Costing intervention programmes September 2006: Consolidate intervention reports September 2006: Consolidate intervention reports October – December 2006: Final report October – December 2006: Final report
3. Major Challenges Human & technical capacity constraints in conducting the exercise. Human & technical capacity constraints in conducting the exercise. Limited financial resources to carry out the exercise Limited financial resources to carry out the exercise Quality of participation (bringing together senior policy makers and relevant stakeholders, including grass roots). Quality of participation (bringing together senior policy makers and relevant stakeholders, including grass roots). Limited coordination of donor activities. Limited coordination of donor activities. Synchronizing sectoral and institutional needs assessment issues Synchronizing sectoral and institutional needs assessment issues
4. Expectations Technical and financial support from the UNCT & Millennium Project (diagnostics, training, costing and report writing) Technical and financial support from the UNCT & Millennium Project (diagnostics, training, costing and report writing)