Achieving the MDGs: RBA Training Workshop Module 6: Gender Equality 9-12 May 2005
Role of Gender Needs Assessment Estimation of resources needed to implement comprehensive gender interventions across multiple sectors Advocacy tool to ensure appropriate gender interventions are included and budgeted for across all other sectors during budget formulation/PRSP discussions Monitoring tool to ensure implementation of programs to address issues of gender inequality against quantifiable targets
Seven Strategic Priorities to meet MDG3 on Gender Equality
Gender Needs Assessment Approach (1) Sector-specific Interventions to reach women Total Gender Needs Gender Interventions Awareness of Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues Helping transition of girls to work Encouraging political participation Ending violence against women Systemic Issues
Gender Needs Assessment Approach (2) Country demographic data Costs per beneficiary TOTAL COSTS Target Population Target coverage rates Cost components for key interventions
Gender Needs Assessment Approach (3) Interventions reaching women include agriculture, nutrition, education, womens empowerment, child and maternal health, HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, access to essential medicines, water and sanitation, environment, improving the lives of slum dwellers, science and technology, transport and energy infrastructure. Gender analysis covers direct gender interventions not covered elsewhere
Interventions Reaching Women Across Sectors (1)
Interventions Reaching Women Across Sectors (2)
Interventions Reaching Women Across Sectors (3) * Not yet costed
Interventions Reaching Women Across Sectors (4)
Components of Gender Needs Assessment
Illustrative Targets Awareness100 percent coverage Sensitization50 percent of all bureaucrats 100 percent of women electoral candidates Vocational training25 percent of all adolescent girls Counseling services50 percent of population at risk* Shelter services10 percent of population at risk* * Based on prevalence rates
Illustrative Costs and Key Challenges Developing a comprehensive list of interventions Ensuring that sector specific interventions are addressed in the other needs assessments Setting operational targets in line with the MDGs Estimating systemic needs to address gender biases